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Jan 25th 2022
Just in: Padma Awards, one of the highest civilian Awards of the country, have been announced. CDS #BipinRawat given #PadmaVibhushan posthumously, @vijaita reports.
#KalyanSingh posthumous receives the Padma Vibhushan, while Congress’ #GhulamNabiAzad, CPI-M’s #BuddhadebBhattacharjee get Padma Bhushan, @vijaita reports.
#BharatBiotech’s Krishna Ella and Suchitra Ella, #CyrusPoonawalla of Serum Institute of India get Padma Bhushan, @vijaita reports.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 24th 2020
When i scan a wide spectrum of opinions, news, random tweets on their own experiences by people who you would not even know in the normal course of events what is very clear is that an entire eco system that ruled India directly or indirectly for 7 decades which insists on status
quo has sensed blood literally & thirsty to taste it. They are convinced that it is just a matter of time before they taste blood. Every last penny is now being thrown for this #CAAProtest & the biggest error of judgement this govt has done is by talking of #NRC. They have thus
given a handle to everybody who was down & out to suddenly get oxygen loaded with testosterone. A complex subject which even the most educated haven't been able to wrap their head around has opened a huge door of opportunity to the old ecosystem. Early in the new govt they sense
Read 11 tweets

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