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May 7th 2023
So what happens when SD can produce realistic reflections but also carry over for area not seen within the image...until it is seen.

#reflections #AIart #AI

This entire thread will just show Reflections/Refractions made by #stabledifussion via @NightcafeStudio both good & bad ImageImage
Let's look at an Error or a more Common Stable Diffusion output for reflections, refractions & internal screen images.

For example, this is supposed to be a person using a see-through phone to take a picture of the image in front of them.

AI adds water & changes the imagery.... ImageImage
So here's a very common setup and you can see how it is dang near similar to the other previous example

Here's a product ad but the product is very similar imaged as the background

The product is supposed to be refracting the image to a focal point, but it puts in the wrong img ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Sep 30th 2022

Helpful advice:

1. Use actor's faces and bodies that are similar to the one you want

2. Use artists of the style you want, get specific and many different names. i use 3

3. Use huge batches and use img2img to upscale and refine.

4. Be patient.
32. Use different models, merge models you like, I use Stable Diffusion 1.4 + Waifu 1.2 to get the style that I want.

33. Always be experimenting.

34. Some tags are much, much more powerful than others, and can literally change everything what comes out. Notice this stuff.
35. I have a tag that gives me more anime results for no reason, and it isn't even every picture.

36. Search 4chan and other places for prompts, they are master wizards of prompt manipulation.
Read 6 tweets

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