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Apr 11th 2021
Here's some more of that correct 1.43:1 IMAX footage from BATMAN V SUPERMAN DOJ UE Remastered on 4K UHD Blu-ray. All I can say is "wow" now being able to see this via 4K screenshots. #Batman #Superman #BatmanvSuperman #ZackSnyder #BenAffleck #HenryCavill #4K #stills #screenshots
And here are where the other two aspect ratio shifts from 2.39:1 to 1.43:1 in BATMAN V SUPERMAN DOJ UE Remastered on 4K Blu-ray & digital happen. #Batman #Superman #BatmanvSuperman #IMAX #ZackSnyder #stills #screenshots #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #4K #MakeTheBatfleckMovie #BenAffleck
Finally, here is the most iconic IMAX shot of all in 4K from BATMAN V SUPERMAN DOJ. Enjoy! The full set will be coming soon, along with comparisons to the original 4K UHD Blu-ray, as well as a Blu-ray VS. 4K UHD Blu-ray Screenshots comparison video. #Batman #Superman #4K #still
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