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Jul 27th 2022
There are many more people who will take your money #DWCS if they don't want to. The most important things are to choose a casino you can trust and a payment #SubwaySeries method you feel secure using. In the worst case.…
situation, you should be able to get in touch with the online casino customer support personnel for assistance if you need it when making a deposit. However, not every mobile casino will offer.…

live chat or even a phone number for immediate contact.
This implies that it isn't always easy to seek immediate assistance. The UI, more than the deposit methods, which are typically varied. @uncl3dunkl3…

is typically the actual issue with mobile casinos.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 24th 2022
106.01/ Week one-hundred and six, July 23-29, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 105 below.
106.02/ A thread I wrote about my early Sunday morning interaction with your (un)friendly neighborhood troll; why I responded and what my goals were.
106.03/ This is an explosive thread about entirely plausible whistleblower backlash at the NewYorker - a mag my family have been subscribers to as long as I can remember - shows what real "cancel culture" looks like.
Read 35 tweets
Jun 15th 2022
1/Tonight, for the 17th time in the last 50 years, the #StanleyCup champion returns to defend their crown. This time, the #TBLightning are going for that rare feat - a three-peat and #dynasty status.
2/Three-peats and dynasties themselves are relatively rare. Below is a tour of the dynasties from the last 50 years starting with the 1974 Oakland #Athletics completing a three-peat with a 4-1 win over the #Dodgers with this home run.
3/ In 1979, the #CanadiensMTL completed their second four-peat, winning 4-1 over the New York Rangers. #StanleyCup #Dynasty
Read 13 tweets

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