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Jun 16th 2023
A final 🧵 on #SB1 of the 35th Special Session of the #NVLeg. We spent 8 days on the bill, along with the time spent on it during the 82nd regular session. It received three separate hearings, two of which were committees of the whole. No other bill received that type of vetting.
After favorable amendments in both the Senate & the Assembly, 38 of 63 legislators voted for it. And the Governor signed it. While I can't speak for anyone else, I voted yes because I believe the investment is worth the risk to further solidify Nevada's economic future.
This was the only realistic chance for Las Vegas to obtain an MLB franchise, which was always going to require a public private partnership. While an expansion team might have been possible, I am certain the cost would have been much higher & it would have taken many more years.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 10th 2023
With the more recent interest in the #NVLeg, particularly when it comes to #SB1 relating to the #Athletics, please allow me to provide some context related to the 35th Special Session and the #NVLeg generally. A 🧵:
Per the Nevada Constitution, the #NVLeg meets every other year for 120 days. We are a citizen legislature, meaning that nearly every legislator has another job. About 75% of Nevada legislators live in Las Vegas, 430 miles from the capitol in Carson City.
The drive from Las Vegas to Carson City is 7 hours. The flight from Las Vegas to Reno is about an hour and then you have to drive about 30 minutes down to Carson City. Air service between Las Vegas and Reno has been atrocious this session, with constant delays/cancellations.
Read 23 tweets
May 20th 2023
Bud Selig was on record as thinking the #Athletics moving to Oakland was a mistake, because it somehow "hurt" the #Giants. That's silly.

The SF/Oakland/Berkeley metropolitan area is 13th-largest in the USA. Add in the South Bay, which also has fans, and it'd be 6th-largest.
The SF Bay Area is in no way a one-team market. The #Giants didn't have any right to be the only one just because "we were here first!"

Keep in mind they almost moved to another state twice, first.

Remember it was the #Athletics who offered South Bay rights to let them stay.
Also note that Selig undoubtedly helped his frat brother Lew Wolff get in as part of the #Athletics front office.

Say what you will about their seriousness, but they had multiple stadium sites they tried to make progress on, including Fremont and San Jose.
Read 19 tweets
Jun 15th 2022
1/Tonight, for the 17th time in the last 50 years, the #StanleyCup champion returns to defend their crown. This time, the #TBLightning are going for that rare feat - a three-peat and #dynasty status.
2/Three-peats and dynasties themselves are relatively rare. Below is a tour of the dynasties from the last 50 years starting with the 1974 Oakland #Athletics completing a three-peat with a 4-1 win over the #Dodgers with this home run.
3/ In 1979, the #CanadiensMTL completed their second four-peat, winning 4-1 over the New York Rangers. #StanleyCup #Dynasty
Read 13 tweets
Feb 4th 2022
Joe West's first two ejections, September 8, 1977 of Steve Henderson & Joe Torre. (NYDN 9/9/77). #MLB #Mets
Joe [expletive deleted] West's third and fourth ejections, also of the Mets, Joe Torre and Bobby Valentine on July 27, 1978. (NYDN, 7/28/78) #MLB #Mets
Herman Franks was the victim of Joe West's fifth ejection on August 7, 1978. #Cubs #MLB
Read 126 tweets
Aug 27th 2021
Nació en la Unión Soviética, pero se convirtió en una leyenda de #Usa. Si la comparáramos con alguien de los Olímpicos sería como fusionar a Bolt con Kipchoge. Ella es la reina del atletismo paralímpico: señoras y señores, con ustedes, Tatyana McFadden.
#Paralympics #Athletics Image
Tatyana vio la luz en Leningrado el 21 de abril de 1989. Era una época convulsa en ese coloso rojo, que veía como el mundo que había imaginado comenzaba a colapsar. La pequeña no cayó en este mundo en el mejor momento posible y lo notaría en sus primeros años de existencia...
La soviética nació con espina bífida, lo que la llevó a tener que vivir en una silla de ruedas. Sin embargo, su familia era muy pobre y no podía darle los tratamientos médicos que necesitaba, por lo que la dejaron en un orfanato.
Read 23 tweets
Aug 10th 2021
Schedule For Indian Sports Fan..

#Basketball: @BFI_basketball Will In Action Against 🇸🇦 In Group H Qualifiers For @FIBAAsiaCup From Aug 20 8:45 PM(IST)

#VolleyBall :India Team Will In Action Against 🇯🇵 In Asian Men's Volleyball Championship On 14th Sep 2021 (2:30)PM IST
#Handball : India's First Professional Handball League ( @PHLIndia ) Will Be Starting Soon

#Hockey: India Hockey Men's Team Will Be Action In Asian Champions Trophy From 1 Oct To 9 Oct
#Archery: World Archery Championship Will Begin From 19th Sep To 26th Sep

#Boxing: World Boxing Championship Will Begin From 26th Oct To 6th Nov 2021

#Wrestling : World Wrestling Championship Will Begin From 2nd Oct To 10th Oct 2021
Read 11 tweets
Aug 8th 2021
It's official, #Tokyo2020 is indeed #IND's best-ever Olympic Games! 🥇🥈🥉

7️⃣ Reasons why 👆

#StrongerTogether | #UnitedByEmotion | #Olympics
India's highest medal tally of 7️⃣ medals at the Olympics Games! 👇

Mirabai Chanu 🥈
PV Sindhu 🥉
Lovlina Borgohain 🥉
Ravi Kumar Dahiya 🥈
Men's Hockey Team 🥉
Bajrang Punia 🥉
Neeraj Chopra 🥇

#StrongerTogether | #UnitedByEmotion | #Olympics | #Tokyo2020
.@Neeraj_chopra1 won India's second only individual Olympic gold after Beijing 2008, but first-ever in #Athletics! 🥇

#StrongerTogether | #UnitedByEmotion | #Olympics | #Tokyo2020
Read 8 tweets
Aug 8th 2021
DÍA 15
Medallero Olímpico #DEN
🥇3 🥈4 🥉4

#Athletics | Maratón
Tiempo: 2:26:59 / Puesto 70°
#DEN ULAD Abdi Hakin
Tiempo: 2:15:50 / Puesto 23°
#CyclingTrack | Ómnium femenino
Scratch / Tempo / Carrera eliminatoria / Final race.

Puntos clasificatorios
Scratch: 26 puntos
Tempo: 30 puntos
Carrera eliminatoria: 36 puntos
Final race: 11 puntos
Total: 103 puntos / 4° puesto
Read 3 tweets
Aug 8th 2021
#Tokyo2020 #TeamIndia

A quick recap of #Olympics...

...shall we?

A fantastic start to the Games, thanks to @mirabai_chanu. A silver 🥈 that was a result of a single-minded journey from Rio to Tokyo.

#Tokyo2020 #TeamIndia

#Fencing is one of the ever-present events at Olympics but an Indian featured for a first time ever in 2021. Bhavani Devi created history even before stepping on piste.…
#Tokyo2020 #TeamIndia

In #Badminton...

Imagine being Satwik & Chirag. They won 2 out of 3 matches, losing only against the world's best. They defeated the pair that would go on to win 🥇 & incredibly, their campaign was over in group stage.

Read 36 tweets
Aug 7th 2021
Otra vez las doñas se robaron el atletismo. Se destaca en el masculino los 400 c/v y el show del salto alto. Por lo de demás ellas, como viene siendo de algunos años ya coparon la pista y campo.
Me encantó que Fraser-Pryce y Elaine Thompson corrieran el 2-3 en la posta de Jamaica. Súper Star dejando a otras. Lo mismo para Makwala saliendo de los tacos. Yulimar Rojas y Mamona dos idolas.
La garrocha masculina es la prueba de los “amigos”. Una lástima lo de Kendricks. Los 100m masculinos para el olvido. de Grasse merecía El Oro, y si es vs Lyles mejor. Los cubanos (bajo su bandera u otra) siguen demostrando que nacieron para esto. Bahamas y los 400!!!
Read 4 tweets
Aug 7th 2021
Los 400m la posta y los vallistas.
USA(m) hace oro con Rai Benjamín en el relevo.
USA(f) hace oro con McLaughlin y Dalilah Muhaamad. Últimamente ha cambiado mucho el biotipo de los velocistas y va a ser más común que hace 15 años. McLeod sentó precedente en la 4x100.
En el ante pasado mundial de atletismo del 2017, Jamaica a último momento decide poner a los tacos a un especialista en largadas, Omar McLeod, pero un atleta que siempre hizo el 110.
En uruguay, lo hemos visto varias veces haciéndolo a Andrés Silva en el 4x400. (Recordman nacional en ambas pruebas). En un JJOO es más extraño, pero parece que nos vamos a tener que acostumbrar.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 7th 2021
A random “Aap log rona band kijiye “ thread

lets begin with Neeraj Chopra
Support by sports ministry during pandemic 😷 thanks to @KirenRijiju ji 2/n
Visa arrangements made by MOFA during pandemic,Thanking @DrSJaishankar sir 3/n
Read 39 tweets
Aug 7th 2021
#Tokyo2020 #Athletics


He is second on the start list.…
#Tokyo2020 #Athletics

Neeraj Chopra starts with a throw of 87.03, a very, very good effort!

He leads the field as of now, but there are a number of players to go.

#Tokyo2020 #Athletics

THE favourite, Johannes Vetter's first throw is 82.52m... and Neeraj Chopra continues to lead the field.

Read 15 tweets
Aug 6th 2021
#Tokyo2020 #Athletics

Time for men's 4x400m relay HEAT 2: India are running in this one. Here's how the first heat first.

Qualification: Top 3 in each heat & the next 2 fastest… Image
#Tokyo2020 #Athletics

Men's 4x440m relay:

Here is Indian running order. They will need a sub 3-min mark to have a chance if not a top 3 finish.

Blog:… Image
#Tokyo2020 #Athletics

Men's 4x400m relay:

It's a new ASIAN RECORD set by the #IND athletes. But it seems like it will be JUST outside the spots for the final.

Confirmation awaited.

Read 4 tweets
Aug 6th 2021
#Tokyo2020 #Athletics

Next up for India is the women’s 20km race walk.
Priyanka Goswami and Bhawna Jat are the athletes competing

#Tokyo2020 #Athletics

Priyanka Goswami is up to the third place after the six-kilometer mark in women’s 20km race walk.

#Tokyo2020 #Athletics

At the halfway mark, Priyanka is placed ninth in the women’s 20km race walk.

Read 4 tweets
Aug 4th 2021
DÍA 13
Medallero Olímpico #DEN
🥇2 🥈2 🥉3

#Athletics | 4 x 100m. relevos femenino
Fase 1
Nuestras competidoras hicieron un nuevo récord nacional (43.51), sin embargo, no fue suficiente para avanzar de ronda.
#Athletics | 4 x 100m. relevos masculino
Fase 1
Los hombres también hicieron un nuevo récord nacional (38.16), pero no alcanzó para avanzar de ronda.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 2nd 2021
DÍA 10
Medallero Olímpico #DEN
🥇1 🥈1 🥉2

#Athletics | 400m. vallas femenino
Lamentablemente, Sara tropezó con una valla y no logró pasar a la final.
Tuvo un gran gesto al calmar y luego felicitar a su rival, #UKR TKACHUK Viktoriya, quién esperaba conocer si clasificaba.
#Badminton | Individual masculino
#DEN AXELSEN Viktor (21-21)
#CHN CHEN Long (15-12)
Otra contundente victoria por 2-0, Viktor vuelve a demostrar su categoría y se cuelga la de Oro.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 2nd 2021
¡Tenemos resumen de los representantes venezolanos #VEN en los #JuegosOlimpicos durante este domingo en la noche y lunes a primera hora!

🔴Julio Iemma.
🏋️‍♀️Naryury Pérez.
🏃‍♀️ Robeilys Peinado.

¡Dale RT, sígueme y únete al hilo! 🧵
#Shooting Julio Iemma no contó con mucha fortuna en su participación de los 50m Rifle del Tiro Deportivo.

El venezolano se ubicó en la posición 39 con promedio de 9.433.

Iemma se despide de #Tokyo2020
#Weightlifting Naryury Pérez participó en el levantamiento de pesas 87Kg. En el arranque levantó 112Kg y en el envión solo alcanzó alzar 130Kg.

Finalizó su participación con 242Kg en el séptimo lugar con diploma olímpico. 👏

#Tokyo2020 #VEN
Read 5 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
El favorito de mis amigos en Twitter: ¡Llegó el resumen de los venezolanos en #Tokyo2020 durante este fin de semana!

🔴 Rosa Rodríguez.
🚴‍♂️ Daniel Dhers 🥈
⛵ Andrés Lage.
⛳ Jhonattan Vegas.
🏐 vs. #ITA
🏃‍♀️ Yulimar Rojas 🥇

¡Dale RT y sígueme que este hilo está imperdible! 🧵 ImageImageImage
#Athletics Rosa Rodríguez participó en el lanzamiento de martillo.

15 atletas buscaban la clasificación en el Grupo B y la venezolana se ubicó undécima con un lanzamiento de 68.23.

Rodríguez se despide de #Tokyo2020 con aplausos. #VEN ImageImage
¡Daniel Dhers lo consiguió! 💥 El venezolano se colgó la medalla de PLATA tras lograr una puntuación de 92.05, solo superado por el #AUS Logan Martin (93.30).

Dhers consigue su presea en el debut del #BMXFreeStyle en #JuegosOlimpicos.

La tercera para #VEN en #Tokyo2020 ImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
Medallero Olímpico #DEN
🥇0 🥈1 🥉1

#Handball | Masculino
Grupo B
#DEN Dinamarca 30
#SWE Suecia 33
#Athletics | 3000m. con obstáculos femenino
#DEN MØLLER Anna Emilie (9:31.99)
Nuestra representante quedó fuera de la próxima instancia.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 31st 2021
Medallero Olímpico #DEN
🥇0 🥈1 🥉1

#Athletics | 400m. vallas femenino
La abanderada danesa, medalla de plata en #Rio2016 consiguió su pase a semifinales con un tiempo de 55.52
#Athletics | 100m. masculino
Su tiempo de 10.20 no le bastó para avanzar de ronda.
Read 12 tweets
Jul 31st 2021
Medallero Olímpico #DEN
🥇0 🥈1 🥉1

#Athletics | 3000m. con obstáculos masculino
Finalizó 8°, con un tiempo de 8:24.08, por lo que no clasificó a la siguiente ronda
#Handball | Masculino
Grupo B
#DEN Dinamarca 34
#POR Portugal 28
Read 13 tweets

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