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Sep 16th 2020
#WednesdayWagner Now that the summer is about to end (Sommerdämmerung), let's resume this weekly digest of my music. Today: DIE WALKÜRE'S STORM. AN EXAMPLE OF ECONOMY OF MEANS IN WAGNER.
#TwitterCultural #SummerReading #Wagner #GreatestComposerEver
#WednesdayWagner The beginning of 'Die Walküre' is an absolute slap on the face that immerses you in a different atmosphere of 'Das Rheingold'. Indeed, the world of Gods and Nibelungs is replaced by the world of humans.
#WednesdayWagner There are many elements that contribute to the tension of this beginning. Let's mention, firstly, the 'obstinato' strategy by repeating the same idea with some transformations, as this contraction at the very beginning #TwitterCultural #SummerReading
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Jul 31st 2020
El Chasqui is out!

Before going on vacation for a bit, we leave you with a true-crime podcast, a fireside chat, and some summer reading. 📚… ImageImage
@CarinZissis @TizBreda @MSDLatAm @gfrias @cmuruzabal @emiliesweigart @AmerQuarterly @ASCOAMedia @paolanagovitch @luisaleme What we're watching: #Nuyo79

Through the story of the 1979 Puerto Rico National Basketball Team, @nyricanbasquet reminds us to honor the Puerto Rican diaspora and recognize the many ways Boricuas hacen patria.
@CarinZissis @TizBreda @MSDLatAm @gfrias @cmuruzabal @emiliesweigart @AmerQuarterly @ASCOAMedia @paolanagovitch @luisaleme #SummerReading: Aramburu

In May 1970, a group of 20-somethings kidnapped and later killed a former Argentine president, holding his body hostage until Evita’s also appeared.

Journalist @odonnellmaria investigates the domestic terrorism of the montoneros.
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Jul 29th 2020
#WednesdayWagner Since 3 days ago we celebrated the 138th anniversary of Parsifal premiere, let's explore some connections between this Bühnenweihfestspiel and Der Ring des Nibelungen. Ladies and gentleman: PARSIFAL AND THE RING (part 1).  
#TwitterCultural #SummerReading
#WednesdayWagner In Parsifal Act 3, there is a really beautiful excerpt that ends with the orchestra playing a kind of ostinato: listen to the violins at 46:47 in this link: 
#TwitterCultural #SummerReading
#WednesdayWagner As @wagners_ring mentions in their incredible webpage (visit it right now, please), this motive is known as the "innocence" one. Read the explanation here:
#TwitterCultural #SummerReading
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Jul 15th 2020
#WednesdayWagner Wache, Wala! Wala! Erwach’! Another thread for you, Wagner-addicts. Let's continue with the Wotan-family leitmotifs, which indeed are related to the Wotan family members. Today: WOTAN AND SIEGFRIED.
#TwitterCultural #SummerReading
#WednesdayWagner A evolution of the "Wotan's spear" leitmotif is the "Wotan's anger". It's somehow "ondulated", although keeping the downside sense, to keep the relation with Wotan. You can listen to it below:

#TwitterCultural #SummerReading
#WednesdayWagner Well, the fact is that this "Wotan's anger" leitmotif is used in a very well known Siegfried's scene: the Forging Scene (link below, featuring the amazing Siegfried Jerusalem): 

#TwitterCultural #SummerReading
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Jul 8th 2020
#WednesdayWagner Dear friends, your favourite twitter weekly thread is here again :) Yes, I know that "Second parts were never good", but today there's a exception: "WOTAN AND BRÜNNHILDE, part 2". Let's go!
#TwitterCultural #SummerReading #Wotan #Brunnhilde #Leitmotifs
#WednesdayWagner In the previous week we presented the 'Wotan's spear' leitmotif and discovered how this was transformed into the 'Brünnhilde's lament' leitmotif, meaning that Brünnhilde is indeed getting some of the Wotan roles in the general plot
#TwitterCultural #SummerReading
#WednesdayWagner We can observe the same kind of process in 'Brünnhilde's Sleeping' Motive (or 'Brünnhilde's appeal to Wotan), which can be heard at the end of "Die Walküre", at 4.24 and also at 13:39 in the link below

#TwitterCultural #SummerReading
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Jul 8th 2018
J.J. #Gibson on non-visual #perception, #proprioception, and the importance of #movement for #selfperception: “The point (...) is that information about the #self is multiple and that all kinds are picked up concurrently.” #SummerReading
We need vision for movement. Walking: feeling contact of feet w/ ground isn’t everything! “You might think that the contact of(...) the foot with a surface (...) is specified by a mechanical impression of skin, by touch (...). Nevertheless there is optical specification.” #Gibson
Further, the “moving #self and the unmoving world are reciprocal aspects of the same #perception.” - - J.J. #Gibson on the specifying of limb #movement
Read 4 tweets
Aug 31st 2015
When the mannish back-up computer singers in Patrick Cowley's Menergy say #menergy, it sounds like #Mary. #gaytunes
Synonym highlights: Bessie, Clarisse, Martha Image
Read 3 tweets

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