Compositor · Composer · Komponist | Zum Raum wird hier die Zeit · Here Times Becomes Space · Aquí el tiempo se transforma en espacio
Dec 7, 2022 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
#WednesdayWagner For all of you loving to discover new connections between Wagner materials and dramas, just mentioning that the TARNHELM leitmotiv also appears in PARSIFAL. Yes, you are reading correctly! Short thread with examples ⬇️
De camino a casa tras el "Anillo del Nibelungo" en Bayreuth, y todavía procesando lo visto estos días, mi primer comentario es que la producción no es ni de lejos lo mala que se intuye tras leer algunas críticas (sobre todo, la crítica demoledora de @Scherzo_es). Sigue hilo ⬇️
El concepto general que propone este anillo me parece muy interesante: Wotan y Alberich son gemelos (algo que, por cierto, se sustenta con el comportamiento mezquino de Wotan durante gran parte del libreto) y la historia habla de una familia acomodada con todo tipo de perfiles
Feb 10, 2021 • 8 tweets • 6 min read
#WednesdayWagner Hoihoooo! Another Wednesday to dive into Wagner 🙂Since we are now in the "Siegfried" week, prior to its premiere at @Teatro_Real under Maestro @herascasado, let's focus today in a quick and wonderful resemblance: SIEGFRIED vs. DEBUSSY! #TwitterCultural#WednesdayWagner The always wonderful Debussy looked very much at Wagner when creating his personal style. Indeed, Debussy's harmonic suspension was previously written in "Tristan und Isolde" #TwitterCultural
Feb 3, 2021 • 20 tweets • 13 min read
#WednesdayWagner Hoiho! Missing your weekly thread on Wagner's leitmotifs and composing strategies? Here I am! This week, we start talking on a leitmotif that appears in every Wagner's opera:
ONE LEITMOTIF TO RULE THEM ALL (part 1 out of 3) #TwitterCultural#WednesdayWagner Although each Wagner's creation has its own "sound world", and although leitmotif technique was not exactly exploited since the 1st one, there is a short gesture/motive that appears in ALL Wagner's operas. Don't you believe me? Keep reading ⬇️ #TwitterCultural
Dec 23, 2020 • 14 tweets • 6 min read
Merry Christmas everyone with a new #WednesdayWagner instalment. Today: TRISTAN CHORD IN 'DIE WALKÜRE'! What happens next will surprise you #Christmas#Wagner#Tristan#Walkure#TwitterCultural
Yesterday (all my troubles seemed...). No, seriously. Yesterday, I made a discovery that blew my mind and I am so happy to share it with you. Let's start by listening to Act 2, Scene 5 of 'Die Walküre' in a superb performance by Böhm in 1949
Oct 28, 2020 • 17 tweets • 7 min read
For this #WednesdayWagner ... Some statistics regarding the TOP-10 Wagner Dramas survey you answers in my previous post. Thanks all of you! Let's digest the data
Population of the survey: 64 answers with a list of 10 Wagner Musical drarmas, ordered by preference. This is not exhaustive nor representative, but anyway really interesting (at least, for me)
Oct 21, 2020 • 14 tweets • 9 min read
#WednesdayWagner "Willkommen, Gast, in Gibichs Haus! Seine Tochter reicht dir den Trank!" Welcome to another weekly dose of Wagner. After the Brünnhilde and Siegfried comparison, let's move today to another Siegfried's love story: SIEGFRIED AND GUTRUNE #TwitterCultural#WednesdayWagner The starting point, in this case, is Siegfried's Horn Call, which appears in Act 2, and which is the basis of some interesting and beautiful developments during Siegfried and Götterdämmerung #TwitterCultural
Oct 7, 2020 • 14 tweets • 10 min read
#WednesdayWagner 'Siegfried! Siegfried! Sieh! Selig grüßt dich dein Weib!' Welcome to another pill of Wagnerian composition tips. Today: BRÜNNHILDE AND SIEGFRIED RELATIONSHIP! (in a musical way, of course). #TwitterCultural#LecturaRecomendada#TeamWagner#WednesdayWagner I assume that everyone knows that Brünnhilde is one of Wotan's daughters and Siegfried is Wotan's grandson, so Brünnhilde is the aunt of Siegfried. They will also became lovers (yes, like Daenerys and Jon Snow, for those of you who are GoT fans) #TwitterCultural
Sep 16, 2020 • 16 tweets • 14 min read
#WednesdayWagner Now that the summer is about to end (Sommerdämmerung), let's resume this weekly digest of my music. Today: DIE WALKÜRE'S STORM. AN EXAMPLE OF ECONOMY OF MEANS IN WAGNER. #TwitterCultural#SummerReading#Wagner#GreatestComposerEver#WednesdayWagner The beginning of 'Die Walküre' is an absolute slap on the face that immerses you in a different atmosphere of 'Das Rheingold'. Indeed, the world of Gods and Nibelungs is replaced by the world of humans.
Jul 29, 2020 • 10 tweets • 9 min read
#WednesdayWagner Since 3 days ago we celebrated the 138th anniversary of Parsifal premiere, let's explore some connections between this Bühnenweihfestspiel and Der Ring des Nibelungen. Ladies and gentleman: PARSIFAL AND THE RING (part 1). #TwitterCultural#SummerReading#WednesdayWagner In Parsifal Act 3, there is a really beautiful excerpt that ends with the orchestra playing a kind of ostinato: listen to the violins at 46:47 in this link:
#WednesdayWagner Wache, Wala! Wala! Erwach’! Another thread for you, Wagner-addicts. Let's continue with the Wotan-family leitmotifs, which indeed are related to the Wotan family members. Today: WOTAN AND SIEGFRIED. #TwitterCultural#SummerReading#WednesdayWagner A evolution of the "Wotan's spear" leitmotif is the "Wotan's anger". It's somehow "ondulated", although keeping the downside sense, to keep the relation with Wotan. You can listen to it below:
#WednesdayWagner Dear friends, your favourite twitter weekly thread is here again :) Yes, I know that "Second parts were never good", but today there's a exception: "WOTAN AND BRÜNNHILDE, part 2". Let's go! #TwitterCultural#SummerReading#Wotan#Brunnhilde#Leitmotifs#WednesdayWagner In the previous week we presented the 'Wotan's spear' leitmotif and discovered how this was transformed into the 'Brünnhilde's lament' leitmotif, meaning that Brünnhilde is indeed getting some of the Wotan roles in the general plot #TwitterCultural#SummerReading
Jul 1, 2020 • 14 tweets • 9 min read
#WednesdayWagner Hoiho! Finally you are going to calm down your abstinence syndrome of the best composer EVER! Let's two of the strongest characters ever: WOTAN and BRÜNNHILDE (part 1). And today with no sheet music examples, just audio excerpts. Hojotoho!! #TwitterCultural#WednesdayWagner Since Wotan is always carrying a spear that points down when threatening people, the spear motive is a downside scale with a peculiar beginning that reminds us about the Valhalla theme:
#WednesdayWagner Light stuff today for your weekly pill of Wagnerian dope 🙂 Let's go with ... "Echoes of Tristan Chord" (part 3 and last). In this case: use of Tristan Chord (as it is or slightly modified) by other composers! #TwitterCultural#Covid_19#StayHome#WednesdayWagner My point is not to dismiss the work of the WONDERFUL composers mentioned below, but on the contrary: to highlight that nothing is created from the void, and that the so-called "inspiration" is a precise intellectual work #TwitterCultural#Covid_19#StayHome
Jun 10, 2020 • 12 tweets • 13 min read
#WednesdayWagner To celebrate that #OnThisDay, 155 years ago, the great "Tristan und Isolde" was premiered, let's continue with your weekly dose of your favourite composer. Today: Echoes of Tristan Chord (part 2) #TwitterCultural#COVID19#StayHome#WednesdayWagner We explored the Tristan Chord at the beginning of Act 1 (in the first bars of the drama) and also in 2nd act, both in the Prelude and in the love duet ('O sink hernieder'). But this amazing chord is used along the entire piece #TwitterCultural#COVID19#StayHome
Jun 3, 2020 • 13 tweets • 10 min read
#WednesdayWagner Here I go again ... no, not the Whitesnake song, but the weekly pill on Wagner's compositional strategies. Today: Echoes of 'Tristan chord' in "Tristan und Isolde" (part 1). Let's go! #TwitterCultural#Covid_19#StayHome#TeamWagner#WednesdayWagner One of the clearest evolution of "Tristan Chord" appears at the beginning of Act 2. Just listen the first 20 seconds of the Prelude:
#WednesdayWagner O nun waren wir Nachtgeweihte ... Welcome to another small but energetic Wagner's pill. Today: Night's invocation in 'Tristan und Isolde'. Let's go! #TwitterCultural#COVIDー19#StayHome#WednesdayWagner This leitmotif can be listened in the 2nd Act, as the starting point of one of the most amazing love duets ever composed. If you want to listen the whole 26-min excerpt while reading, go to this link #TwitterCultural#COVIDー19#StayHome
May 20, 2020 • 10 tweets • 11 min read
#WednesdayWagner "Hoiho, Hagen! Müder Mann! Sieh'st du mich kommen?" In your weekly dose of wagnerian clues, let's face the overlaps between Hagen, Siegfried and Tarnhelm. Pardon??? Yes!!! Keep reading to know further details #TwitterCultural#Covid_19#StayHome#WednesdayWagner Hagen's evil is represented by a descendent tritone (diminished 5th). One of the clearest presentation of this evil character is the wonderful "Hagen's Watch" scene. This diminished 5th appears in the bass part #TwitterCultural#Covid_19
#WednesdayWagner Hoiho! Hoiho! Another tweet-dose of Yours Trully's composition mastering techniques :) Today, a light explanation: SIEGFRIED and PARSIFAL leitmotifs. Lets go! Wehe! Wehe! #TwitterCultural#StayHome#TeamWagner#COVID19#WednesdayWagner You problably noticed many similarities between both characters: Innocence, lack of evil, heroism, none of them knew his mother, both were destined to something big ... #TwitterCultural#StayHome#TeamWagner
Apr 29, 2020 • 19 tweets • 21 min read
#WednesdayWagner Finally a new Wednesday is here! The wait to talk about the mastermind behind the best music ever written is over :) Today, lets focus on the 'Rheingold' leitmotif and its transformation along the whole tetralogy #TwitterCultural#StayHome#TeamWagner#WednesdayWagner As some other leitmotifs, the 'Rheingold' one is based in the half-diminished chord, which acts as Dominant resolving into the Tonic. Nothing complex. You can hear it ni this excerpt: #TwitterCultural#StayHome#TeamWagner