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Apr 7th 2022
In 21st century the most interesting thing about a person is his/her @TaxResidency. For UK residents "non-dom status means #territorialtax! For UK doms there is #worldwidetax and #RBT. For US citizens there is #worldwidetax, @CitizenshipTax and #FATCA.…
.@TaxResidency is often confusing and often has a huge impact on ones life. In simple terms, you are a #taxresident of a country which has the right to impose the full force of its tax rules on you. This is different from HOW and on WHAT sources of income tax residents are taxed.
What income is subject to taxation: Terms like "worldwide taxation" (wherever the income is earned) and "territorial taxation" (income earned only in the country) describe HOW and ON WHAT income #taxresidents are taxed. These terms do NOT describe @TaxResidency (who is taxed).
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