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Dec 23rd 2019
Since it took me so long to post pics from the Dec. 5 @JCASLKY Holiday Party @Flanagans502, I thought I'd make a thread of it. We shared our #AASL19 stories and had toasted ravioli, chicken wings, artichoke, spinach dip, veggies, cake.
Guess who won a door prize @JCASLKY’s Holiday Party? JCASL’s secretary @Amy_BakerLMS & occasional @KylChat mod. Amy helps facilitate so many great things @WilkersonTElem. Svc projects, collabs, newscasts, & more to show #kidscanmakeadifference. #jcpslibraries @jcpsforward.
@Amy_BakerLMS wasn't the only winner. Everyone but one at the Holiday Party walked away with a door prize! Sorry, @crystoannielib. Speaking of, here she is with Stacie Alvey @alveyinthelib, Kim Tullbane, and Jackie Marrs @Reederchik. They are all #LeadingFromTheLibrary this year.
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