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Mar 25th 2020
Day 1/21
#Parava #Malayalam
👌👌 Image
Day 2/21
Released on 2011.
இப்ப இருக்கிற உலக நிலவரத்தை அப்படியே எடுத்து வச்சிருக்காங்க..
அப்படியே தமிழ் டப் இருந்தா டிவில போடலாம். விழிப்புணர்வு மாதிரி இருக்கும். ImageImageImageImage
Read 22 tweets
Mar 25th 2020
(1/25) - Thread: Here’s list of some movies by genre!!


1. #Atonement (2007)
2. #SavingPrivateRyan (1998)
3. #FullMetalJacket (1987)
4. #HacksawRidge (2016)
5. #Valkyrie (2008)
6. #WarHorse (2011)

#StayHomeIndia #StaySafe #StayHomeStaySafe
(2/25) - WAR MOVIES (7-10):

7. #EnemyAtTheGates (2001)
8. #TheThinRedLine (1998)
9. #TheEnglishPatient (1996)
10. #DownFall (2004)

1. #TheGoodTheBadAndTheUgly (1966)
2. #OnceUponATimeInTheWest (1968)

#StayHomeIndia #StayHomeStaySafe
Read 25 tweets
Feb 7th 2020
1. #MartinScorsese is nominated for #TheIrishman, a complex, reflective, autumnal, essential film. In more than 50 years of making movies, Scorsese has been awarded one statuette for directing, earned for #TheDeparted. #Oscars2020 #OscarNoms
2. You also could argue with the Academy voters over “Mean Streets,” for which Scorsese wasn’t even nominated. #Oscars2020 #OscarNoms #MeanStreets #Scorsese
3. But, rather focus on the regrettable, toast the artist with a cocktail that’s appropriately powerful and splashed with red: Two ounces very chilled vodka, one ounce of Campari, a splash of cherry liqueur (optional), one half-ounce grapefruit juice, stirring all.
Read 5 tweets

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