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Dec 16th 2019
My recent DNA #nucleobase etymology thread turned out to be surprisingly popular. So now let's do the amino acids -- #HematologyTweetstory 12. This pretty chart of the #aminoacids is from “BioNinja”:…
Knowing word origins isn't essential to using terms well, but these histories can be interesting and illuminating. So, while you may not be a bodybuilder💪🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♀️ who eats amino acids to bulk up, you can read #HematologyTweetstory 12 to build up your “body of knowledge". 😉
Let’s start with #Arginine, “the pirate’s favorite AA” (Arrrr!)🤪, first isolated by Ernst Schulze in Zürich (1886) from lupin seeds. His arginine crystals looked silvery; the Greek word árgyros (ἄργυρος)=silver. Argentina, rich in silver ore, gets its name from the same root./2
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