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May 15th 2022
"Poetry...cannot be copied. It’s an artifact of introspection that can only be mastered by our species. There is no superhuman way to write poems because we write them by virtue of being what a computer isn’t: human." -- Carmine Starnino @cstarnino…
Origin of life theory involving RNA–protein hybrid gets new support…
#LifeOrigins, #RNAProtein, #AminoAcids
Poetry & digital personhood by Carmine Starnino | The New Criterion…
#ArtificialIntelligence, #MachineLearning, #DigitalPersonhood, #ArtFuture
Read 13 tweets
Dec 1st 2021
Rejuvant®, a potential life-extending compound formulation with alpha-ketoglutarate and vitamins, conferred an average 8 year reduction in biological aging…
Alternatively, you could go with something like this:

Amino acids whose intracellular levels change most during aging alter chronological lifespan of fission yeast…
#aminoacids #lifespan #chonological #age
And this:

Independent and Additive Effects of Glutamic Acid and Methionine on Yeast Longevity…

#longevity #age #lifespan
Read 10 tweets
Dec 16th 2019
My recent DNA #nucleobase etymology thread turned out to be surprisingly popular. So now let's do the amino acids -- #HematologyTweetstory 12. This pretty chart of the #aminoacids is from “BioNinja”:…
Knowing word origins isn't essential to using terms well, but these histories can be interesting and illuminating. So, while you may not be a bodybuilder💪🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♀️ who eats amino acids to bulk up, you can read #HematologyTweetstory 12 to build up your “body of knowledge". 😉
Let’s start with #Arginine, “the pirate’s favorite AA” (Arrrr!)🤪, first isolated by Ernst Schulze in Zürich (1886) from lupin seeds. His arginine crystals looked silvery; the Greek word árgyros (ἄργυρος)=silver. Argentina, rich in silver ore, gets its name from the same root./2
Read 23 tweets

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