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Jul 3rd 2019
The 3rd in my treelogy of talks entirely based on pun titles - the most egregious one of all.
Here is the sing-along version of "grading and abetting - does timber strength grading help or hinder the circular economy" at the #TIMBER2019 conference of @wood_technology of @iom3 [1]
The previous talk "From forest to last" (#EvolvingTheForest) was a more general look at the future role of #wood the #bioeconomy & #CircularEconomy - which covered, among other things, the huge potential, but also the gap between renewable & unlimited [2]
& 1st talk was "Would you know a tree if you saw one?" (#napres19) in which we learned that it is hard to define a tree - & how this doesn't matter & also matters a lot.
Let's return to this topic of how words shape our thinking, not always for good [3]
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