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Oct 14th 2022
Just to flag for the world that Kyle Becker @kylenabecker has been informed that he is misidentifing someone at the Capitol Jan 6. The man he labels as Ray Epps is #HonkyTonkTraitor, whose behavior is indeed suspicious - enough that Becker should worry about defamation suits. 1/
The #SeditionHunters community uses hashtags to avoid even a chance of defamation, since we describe criminal acts. We also work to ensure labels are accurately used. The man tagged as #HonkyTonkTraitor likely has felony assault - but he's not Epps. 2/
On Jan 6, #HonkyTonkTraitor rushes in with the first wave of invaders, is one of the first up the Media Tower, remains there during the long W. Plaza battle, then goes to fight at the tunnel. He is not a bystander. Becker News needs to be very careful. 3/
Read 6 tweets
Apr 2nd 2021

1/ Thread on the West Plaza #MediaTower

FLIR Thermal Imaging Monocular: these aren't cheap.

Was someone planning on staying the night?


Video h/t @TweedleRiot
At 21:56, left edge:
⬇️ Temp hashtag #TowerGlower (at 23:48).

Better view of his finger tattoos.

Anyone know of other sightings of #CapitolFLIR at the insurrection?

The #MediaTower was an excellent vantage point.
Thermal monoculars can also be used in daylight.
Video:… ImageImage
TL: #TowerGlower at the front of the #MediaTower a few mins later in the video, watching the police line battle.
Monocular's strap is hanging down.
Note coat sleeve & cuff, dark hood, blue hat, black bag & camera with lens hanging by hip

TR, BL: Green stripe of #CapitolFLIR
. ImageImageImageImage
Read 35 tweets

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