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Sep 9th 2021
1/ FINALLY: #TPSElSalvador #TPSNepal #TPSNicaragua & other #TPS designations extended from current expiration of 10/4/21 to 12/31/22. Welcome news, but far short of what needs to happen for hundreds of thousands of ppl living on the edges of lawful status…
2/ The most imminent problem is documentation of the lawful status of #TPS beneficiaries. Bc it has been on life support via judicial orders after Trump canceled it, recipients were never issued new ID & have only had them extended by law. Try explaining that to DMVs & employers
3/ USCIS is encouraging them to file for new work permits, but this is an additional 495 in filing fees. It should not be. It's not their fault. Waive this.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 1st 2019

#TPSElSalvador, #TPSHonduras, #TPSHaiti, #TPSNepal, #TPSNicaragua, and #TPSSudan have ALL been AUTOMATICALLY extended to 1/4/2021.

There is nothing you need to file or pay for. Show your employer this notice if they have questions.

For as much relief as this #TPS extension has given these communities, it's also going to create mass confusion for employers and recipients. AFAIK this is the longest period for which TPS has ever been extended without actually issuing new notices, let alone cards.
By "automatically-extended EAD," DHS means work permits which have already expired as of now but are as of today officially valid until 1/4/21. Looking forward to spending many hours over the course of the next year explaining this to HR for my clients 🙄
Read 4 tweets

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