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Jun 2nd 2023
#ACNH—亚数行1:1锚定离岸人民币的数字资产,现已登陆 #everPay
解锁流动性,摆脱 #Web3 内卷,为下一个亿级用户做好准备!👁

🤝与 #everPay:亚数行提供支付通道,支持 #everPay 业务,实时无 #Gas 费⚡。

@Permaswap:亚数行整合 #ACNH 进入 @Permaswap,间接提高资产流动性🌊。 Image
📌1️⃣ 探秘 #ACNH 发行方 —— 亚洲数字银行🔍

👋大家好!#ACNH 是亚洲数字银行发行的数字资产。

亚数行@AsiaDigitalBank致力于将传统银行业务与 #Web3 解决方案相结合,专注于利用区块链技术实现安全便捷的交易。

Read 10 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
On March 16th, 2020, the world of #crypto changed forever

@aeyakovenko and @rajgokal launched @solana, ushering in the era of high-performance blockchains

I've spent over 100 hours researching the protocol

Here’s why I think $SOL could become a core layer of #web3



Solana is one of the largest #Layer1 s by market cap, TVL in #DeFi and #NFT sales (we will explain all these concepts in a bit)

It has a MC of $7.0BM, FDV of $9.8B, and its $SOL coin trades at $18.19

In 2021, the coin price hit $260.06

This thread will cover the following:

• What is a Layer1?

• What problem does #Solana solve?

• How does it work?

• Who are the key players in the ecosystem?

• What are its #tokenomics?

• What’s the potential value of #SOL?
Read 23 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
@solana gets a lot of FUD – people say its centralized, tainted by SBF, etc…

I think that’s bullshit

The platform continues to build and it has one competitive advantage that NO ONE ELSE CAN MATCH

Here's why $SOL has the potential to 100x-1,000x Image

Solana is one of the largest #Layer1 s by market cap, TVL in #DeFi and #NFT sales (we will explain all these concepts in a bit)

It has a MC of $4.6BM, FDV of $6.7B, and its $SOL coin trades at $12.45

In 2021, the coin price hit $260.06

This thread will cover the following:

• What is a Layer1?

• What problem does #Solana solve?

• How does it work?

• Who are the key players in the ecosystem?

• What are its #tokenomics?

• What’s the potential value of #SOL?
Read 48 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
Over 27,000 TPS holders in LA worked on the frontlines of the pandemic to keep our city running.

With TPS protections set to expire, we cannot wait to act. Today, I joined @Carecen_LA @TPS_Alliance to call on @POTUS to protect millions of #TPS holders who call our country home. ImageImageImageImage
Our country has a moral obligation to help people fleeing violence & persecution in other countries.

The Biden administration must redesignate TPS protections for recipients from El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, and Haiti. 2/4
I also urge the Administration to address the backlog of TPS designations for Black-majority countries — including Cameroon and Mauritania. 3/4
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Oct 26th 2022
El martes se cerraron las negociaciones entre abogados de la Administración Biden y la familia demandante en el caso de cancelación del #TPS en #USA sin acuerdo alcanzando. El riesgo del fin del beneficio migratorio y de que haya deportaciones es mayor 🧵
Miles de familias y miembros de la Alianza Nacional TPS esperaban que estas negociaciones resultara una opción favorable a la situación migratoria de los afectados. Sin ningún acuerdo y sin nueva extensión, el #TPS tiene los días contados
Si la Administración Biden no concede una nueva extensión antes del 30 de noviembre próximo y mantiene su postura en la demanda que ha frenado temporalmente la cancelación, todo apuntaría a que no hay interés de mantener el #TPS
Read 12 tweets
Sep 4th 2022
Increasing the no of users on-chain requires faster execution times, higher security, & cheaper txn fees.

#Sharding is one solution that claims to scale blockchains to process up to a million txns per second.

What's sharding? How does it work?

Let's find out 🧵👇 Image
In non-sharded blockchains, each node is responsible for processing every transaction and storing the entire state.

Even if there are 1000 nodes (⬆️ nodes = ⬆️ security), the TPS of the network is limited to the processing power of one node.

This creates a bottleneck.
Sharding is one of the most viable solutions to this problem.

It focuses on splitting the blockchain into smaller pieces called "shards."

Each shard can process a portion of the total transaction processing load, increasing the network's processing power. Image
Read 32 tweets
Jun 5th 2022
I've been v.quiet lately as I'm laser focused on #cassie cleanup, improvements, testing etc but it's going well.

Starting to get some tangible results that are interesting to the #crypto crowd so thought I'd share in a thread ⚠️
Some background first.

The #cassie code base before starting this work was a real bloody mess!

My focus was to find a solutoon/implementation that worked, not to write clean, pretty, fast code.

Hacking around with ideas & progressive theory produces terrible code.
So much so that even though I'd proven out the theory to mine (and others) satisfaction, running long tests was prone to crashing because some no longer used code was being called somewhere deep in #cassie belly under some edge condition. V. Frustrating!
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Apr 17th 2022
Projects that are being built, developed, and launched on #Kadena right now are truly mind-blowing

The coming years will witness a mass adoption of Kadena as the go-to Layer 1

Let's take a look at some of the awesome projects taking form right now on Kadena
1/ KADDEX @KaddeXofficial

Kaddex, a gas-free #DEX packed full of unique features, is leading the evolution of #DeFi on Kadena

Here's why;

Zero Gas, Forever - due to $KDA 's chain architecture, Kaddex can scale horizontally, increasing the number of chains, which in turn...
2/ increases the number of available blocks

High Liquidity Providers (LPs) Rewards - when a swap is performed, the user is charged a standard 0.3% trading fee, of which 100% goes to LPs

Fastest Settlements - because Kadena has the ability to scale #TPS infinitely...
Read 14 tweets
Mar 11th 2022
1. In the next 6-12 months, people will slowly understand Cardano's true and original vision, as well as its power. Our current L1 alone, is not the complete #Cardano Protocol, here is why and where it is headed, a massive thread on everything Cardano: @IOHK_Charles @IOHKMedia
2. While our scalable and low-cost #L1 is spectacular, with a novel #eUTXO ledger, brand new dApps with Plutus, predictable fees, fast transactions and the best security both in dApps and in the protocol itself, Cardano aims to be the best of all worlds, this includes #EVM.
3. #Mamba will bring sidechains with EVM and other capabilities, such as use-case specific side-chains like Catalyst or other on-chain voting systems, ensuring transparency and security while being fast and low cost. EVM on side-chains will be Ethereum but fast, cheap and secure.
Read 20 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
🧵 on some of the major smart contract chains, their different approaches, and how HOPEFULLY (for the love of all that is holy) we are moving away from simply "X chain is superior because it did XXXX TPS on a closed environment testnet"
#Ethereum #terraluna #Solana #AVAX
As @epolynya has alluded to several times, #TPS numbers are almost meaningless now. Especially anything under 100k.

At the risk of having this thrown in my face 5 years from now, TPS is essentially solved.
This is due to many things but some reasons include:

- #modular designs (@CelestiaOrg, #ETH + #rollups, and @avalancheavax to an extent)
- Rollups, in general, and how they can somewhat "defeat" the #ScalabilityTrilemma
- @IOHK_Charles & his giga brain (ok maybe not this 😉)
Read 22 tweets
Mar 8th 2022
1/ 🧵
How and why "data availability (DA)" became the sexiest topic in #Ethereum land, the #l222 space, and for #rollups
2/ Pre-2021 (roughly speaking), DA for most #blockchains wasn't a concern for 2 reasons:
1) most blockchains did not have enough usage to warrant any concern
2) the monolithic approach meant that each (full) node downloaded the entire block to check for availability no problemo
3/ However, this approach has its limitations/drawbacks, and, thus, new solutions like light clients, rollups (RUs), and the modular approach were implemented.
@BanklessHQ @TrustlessState @RyanSAdams
Read 23 tweets
Feb 13th 2022
1/ @avalancheavax is a highly customizable #Layer0 that enables the development of an infinite number of #blockchains on top.

It can support the adoption of #EVM for any custom VM that implements the innovative #AVAX consensus. Image
2/ The #AVAX #protocol has the only #consensus capable of #scaling the active validator list while maintaining high transaction performance, sub-second finality, and unmatched #decentralization.

It is composed of four mechanisms: Slush, Snowflake ❄️, Snowball, and Avalanche
3/ #Avalanche #Consensus uses “repeated random subsampling” to vote: when a validator #node receives a transaction, it randomly queries other validators until the network achieves consensus.

X-Chain, C-Chain, and Platform Chain are 3 #blockchains making the Primary Network Image
Read 25 tweets
Feb 9th 2022
1.Well You guys asked and we couldn't handle the hype of delivering our @GuildOfGuardian report 🧵

Have a GOG read⬇️

#GOG is a mobile #blockchain multiplayer, fantasy, action RPG where players build their #NFT dream team of Guardians and compete in a #guild to earn epic rewards
2.The game is developed by @StepicoGame and built on @Immutable.

#GOG ambitious goal started in early 2020 and it is set to take off thanks to these 4 main areas where the GOG team wants to focus the most when making the #blockchain game.
3.@Immutable is a #layer2 #protocol that will in fact power the core technology that allows users to trade with zero #gasfee and with much higher #TPS (transactions per second) compared to @Ethereum.

This is a key point when it comes to #gaming infrastructure ⬇️
Read 32 tweets
Sep 9th 2021
1/ FINALLY: #TPSElSalvador #TPSNepal #TPSNicaragua & other #TPS designations extended from current expiration of 10/4/21 to 12/31/22. Welcome news, but far short of what needs to happen for hundreds of thousands of ppl living on the edges of lawful status…
2/ The most imminent problem is documentation of the lawful status of #TPS beneficiaries. Bc it has been on life support via judicial orders after Trump canceled it, recipients were never issued new ID & have only had them extended by law. Try explaining that to DMVs & employers
3/ USCIS is encouraging them to file for new work permits, but this is an additional 495 in filing fees. It should not be. It's not their fault. Waive this.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 26th 2021
Imagina poder dizer que testou pessoalmente a #UrnaEletrônica com o aval da #JustiçaEleitoral 😮 Se você tem conhecimentos em informática e vontade de contribuir com a #democracia, temos uma boa notícia: estão abertas as pré-inscrições p/ o #TPS2021. Segue o fio 👇
O #TPS reúne pessoas do Brasil inteiro – hackers profissionais ou não – pra executar planos de invasão à urna. As condições são as mesmas da votação, mas quem participa vai ter 5 dias, recursos e materiais disponibilizados pelo @TSEjusbr pra tentarem executar ataques 🤓
O objetivo desses ataques? Descobrir se existem falhas, vulnerabilidades ou brechas pra fraudes a serem corrigidas 🔧 No #TPS2021, serão mais sistemas a serem testados, incluindo os de auditoria da urna! Continua no fio que vem o passo a passo 👣
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Jun 21st 2021
Em reunião com parlamentares da Comissão da @camaradeputados que discute a PEC do voto impresso hoje (21/6), o presidente do @TSEjusbr, @LRobertoBarroso, afirma que o objetivo do encontro é demonstrar a segurança, a transparência e a auditabilidade do processo eleitoral 👇
De acordo com o Secretário de Tecnologia da Informação do @TSEjusbr, Júlio Valente, "Tínhamos até 1994 um paradigma manual, c/ intervenção humana na apuração. A partir do momento em que o processo foi automatizado, conseguimos retirar, em um processo crítico, essa intervenção" 👇
Ainda nesta tarde (21/6), o Assessor Especial da Presidência do @TSEjusbr, Giuseppe Janino, destaca: “são vários mecanismos p/ se auditar a #urnaeletrônica, possíveis graças ao paradigma digital, que possui atributos como: autenticidade, imutabilidade, rastreabilidade do voto” 👇
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Jun 3rd 2021
HAPPENING NOW: Press Call with Immigrant Advocates and Potential TPS Holders Call on Administration for Central America TPS Designations

.@oachacon61, Executive Director of @ALIANZAAMERICAS will be moderating the press call to urge the Biden administration to act swiftly on TPS designations for Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala.
.@albornoz_gabe Vice President, @MoCoCouncilMD:

"If we receive an additional of TPS designation status... it will allow yet another generation of immigrants to establish strong roots here"
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May 20th 2021
Addressing Anti-Black Systemic Racism in U.S. Immigration Law and Policy — This panel features @DianaKonate w/ @AfricansUS, Haddy Gassama w/ @UndocuBlack, @MustafaJumale w/ @mnbictweets, @PenielIbe w/ @afsc_org #ConveneWithCLINIC
It also includes @RISServes Staff Attorney Christy Williams and is moderated by CLINIC Director of Advocacy @lisa_parisio.
@PenielIbe discussing how immigration is a space where anti-Blackness appears in layers of issues like education and health care.
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May 18th 2021
Joining the panel — Advising #TPS Clients — presented by Training and Legal Support Staff Attorneys Ilissa Mira and Jennifer Riddle. #ConveneWithCLINIC
With every development regarding #TPS and DED, CLINIC updates our dedicated webpage. View it here:…
After an overview of the latest federal actions on #TPS designations and current USCIS policies, the presenters are working through practice cases with attendees, providing best practice advice.
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May 17th 2021
Tuning into the workshop: Hot Topics in Immigration Law with Charles Wheeler, Director of Training and Legal Support, or TLS, Ilissa Mira, TLS Staff Attorney, and Martin Gauto, TLS Senior Attorney. #ConveneWithCLINIC
TLS Director Charles Wheeler discusses recent changes to #PublicCharge.

You can view articles and resources on the current status of #PublicCharge here:…
TLS Staff Attorney Ilissa Mira provides an overview of the #TPS landscape.

CLINIC's TPS/DED page is updated frequently to reflect new designations, redesignations and more!…
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May 17th 2021
CLINIC Convening 2021 opens with the Welcome Plenary: Charting a New Course.

This session includes a fireside chat between Chief of Staff, Office of the Director, USCIS @feliciaedc and @CLINICexec Anna Gallagher #ConveneWithCLINIC
Regardless of faith background, service connects us all in the CLINIC network to serve those immigrating to the United States. - @CLINICexec
After canceling CLINIC Convening 2020 due to the pandemic, CLINIC Convening 2021 saw the largest number of registrants in the conference's history. #ConveneWithCLINIC
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May 17th 2021
"Maria Praeli ... said she and others spoke candidly to Biden about their concerns and about worries their fates could be upended by a TX court if Congress doesn’t act.

'Our lives have been in limbo for far too long,' Praeli said." #HomeIsHere #HereToStay
#DACA recipient @mariapraeli: “I am enormously grateful to President Biden and his team for taking the time today to hear from—and truly listen to—#DACA recipients like me in the Oval Office." #HomeIsHere #HereToStay
“Our lives have been in limbo for far too long. Every day that goes by without Congress passing permanent legislative protections—for Dreamers and #DACA recipients like me, #TPS holders, farmworkers, and the entire undocumented population ..." #HomeIsHere #HereToStay
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May 11th 2021
Para tener un poco de contexto: el #TPS está cancelado, la última extensión vence en octubre 2021. El rol del embajador León en los 90 y las gestiones del gob. de #ElSalvador ,de entonces, lograron que el #USCongress estableciera este beneficio migratorio para los #Salvadoreños
Las extensiones hechas para los salvadoreños entre los 90 y 2017 dependieron de la gestión y el lobby de los gob. y los embajadores de #ElSalvador Desde 2016 esta gestión las realizan en gran medida los mismos tepesianos agrupados en la @TPS_Alliance
Cuando 2017 la Administración #Trump canceló el programa, el gob. de #ElSalvador dirigido por Bukele y representado por la canciller Hill en #USA aceptaron el término del programa con una pequeña extensión, a cambio de firmar acuerdos de agenda anti inmigrante
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May 1st 2021
🗣Today we’re gathered at Black Lives Matter Plaza, alongside thousands, READY to march and make our demands heard. @POTUS immigrant families are counting on you! #Citizenship4All
🦋 Today, we fight to ensure that the Biden administration keep the promises made to immigrants at the start of these 100 days. Where are you on this historic day?! Join us in DC! #MayDay #ImmigrantWorkersAreEssential
📢📢📢 @POTUS and Congress, can you hear us from Freedom Plaza? We come in thousands to remind you that immigrant workers are essential and deserve a path to citizenship NOW! #WeAreHome #ImmigrantJustice
Read 18 tweets

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