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Oct 23rd 2020
Just merely finishing up tutorials/webinars/courses won’t do you good in the long term. 🧵 (1/4)

Up your game by implementing some core concepts from that new knowledge by building a side project.

#tech #tutorial #tutorialhell #git #programming #webdev #oss
For that you need an idea. If you got one then go ahead! But if not then simply visit Github and look for some open source projects on the tech/language/framework you just learnt.


1. You bake the core concepts into your brain by actually implementing them. (2/4)
2. Your degree of awareness about the tech is more than what you had right after completing the tutorial.

3. If you are new to Github, you learn about VCS and how to contribute to an OSS.

4. Your Github contribution graph shows green. (3/4)
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