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Jun 17th 2018
Cheering on my fellow #Texas #journos from Nashville (where I've got a delayed flite to @DallasLoveField). As a reader, I want a map with where the immigrant kids are, name of contractor, how much paid so far this year by fed taxpayers, how many kids detained. #makeithappen
@DallasLoveField I want to know EVERYTHING re these contractors. What kind of license they possess or last inspection to care for kids. I want to know who their CEOs are, what lawmakers take their money. If they apply restraints on kids. #makeithappen #Texas #journos.
@DallasLoveField #TXjournos: I want to know what capacity is for each center. I want to know which #Texas, fed agency certified them. I want to SEE every PDF that details all protocols of feeding, caring for these kids. I want staffer/doctor/kid ratios. Names of all subcontractors. #MakeItHappen
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