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Most recents (2)

Sep 14th 2020
✅ 0 - 10 customers
✅ 10 - 100 customers
✅ 100 - 1,000 customers
⏳ 1,000 - 10,000 customers

I made it to 1,000 customers mostly with short-term sales tactics, and if you're micro-SaaS, maybe you can too

(thread 👇)
Here's the short-term vs. long-term marketing strategies in the article above which we're using today (at 1,082 subscribers)

I put a 🤔 next to things I used to do personally until I hired. Now we both do them manually. Not sure if that counts as short or long-term strategy?
You can see the only long-term plan listed there that we're using is SEO... and by SEO I mean we're in such a small niche that we landed top result for most related search terms ~6months after launching and have held it since, without any effort on our part like blogging
Read 20 tweets
Jul 31st 2019
1/ "Hardcore Year" (

MRR in July:
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ $9,109 of $8,333 goal (109%)

@hostifi_net $8,463
@ghostifi_net $361
@locklinnetworks $125
@captifi_net $147
@patreon $13

I reached my goal for the year! 🥂🍾

Details in thread 👇
2/ 💵 $11,825 profit

Gross rev was $15,985 - expenses of $4,160

Expenses this month
@Vultr $2,452
@Stripe $644
FB Group Ad $250
Assistant $232
Affiliates $135
@GoogleAds $120
@DigitalOcean $114
@getRewardful $59
@Intercom $49
@Postmarkapp $16
@Termius $10
Other $59

3/ ☁️@hostifi_net

July 2019 #openstartup update

💵Gross $15,631
💰MRR $8,463 (+19%)
📈Uniques 5,587
😀Paid subscribers 390
🖥️Servers 448
👤Free plan users 1,986
📧Mailing list 1,571

@ubnt devices total 18,612

🎉Updated 336 #UniFi servers from v.5.10.24 to .25
Read 16 tweets

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