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Mar 20th 2022
📚Options Rule of 16

A thread on the Must Know "Rule of 16"

✅ What is it?

✅ How can I use it?

✅ How can I use it to buy favorable contracts using @unusual_whales

#OptionsTrading #UnusualWhales
No matter how you utilize options, the “Rule of 16” is critical for analyzing volatility, particularly for short-term options. Volatility is at the root of all options pricing. It is based on the statistical concept of standard deviation.
Standard deviation which measures the dispersion of a security’s returns around its average. Stocks move up and down during each trading day, and one with larger up and down daily price moves would have a higher standard deviation.
Read 20 tweets
Jan 26th 2022
📚 Fundamental Analysis and Playing Options

- What is it and how to use it

- How to use @unusual_whales along with fundamental analysis (Pt. 2)

*This (Mega Thread) will be two threads and put out in two parts.

Fundamental analysis is a method of measuring a security's intrinsic value by examining related economic and financial factors. Fundamental Analysts study anything that can affect the security's value.

Such as...
From macroeconomic factors such as the state of the economy and industry conditions to microeconomic factors like the effectiveness of the company's management.
This method of stock analysis is considered to be the opposite of technical analysis.
Read 22 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
📊Learning Opportunity For #OptionsTrading & hunting on #unusualwhales 🐳📊

Here is $HD , I'm screening it as a possible #optiontrading play for tomorrow. I'm even including the #optionsflow

Look it up What do YOU see? Good idea? 🐂? 🐻? Neither? Dig in

#stocks #stockstowatch Image
The question being,

Would you trade this? How?
Buy calls? Puts?

The fake FURUs don't go this deep with the calls & puts scam. But I want everyone performing a proper analysis with MULTI data points - not just flow, not just made up lines called levels or guess work.

Few things to consider that I'm not seeing discussed $HD
Read 7 tweets
Dec 29th 2021
12/28/21 RESULTS🤑🤑🤑

$SQ $2.81▶️$7💰💰💰150%
$QCOM $.78▶️$1.72💰💰💰120%
$PYPL $.51▶️$.83 💰💰63%
$NFLX $2.15▶️$3.40💰💰58%


Another MULTI 100%+ day!

HOW DID WE KNOW? We used the #OptionsFlow via #unusualwhales 🐳 @unusualwhales

See flow imgs below for each callout!
@ All, note that I stated that $NFLX would require anyone entering to move aggressively.

This is the first time you've seen me say that. I don't note things without reason (like when I put 🔥 beside an $AFRM callout).

If you missed entries, that is OK! Opening is volatile!
TYPO - this was today, 12/29!
Read 4 tweets
Nov 30th 2021
🚨Unusual Whales Video ALERT🚨

"How To Scalp with #unusualwhales "

Here we banked 50%+ on $ROKU in just a few minutes

I take you through the entire process and even show you how to setup your software @unusual_whales

Video 1/6 @ apx 2 minutes each. #stocks #optiontrading
Video 2/6

Don't worry, they're only 2 minutes long.

Scalp & bank with #unusualwhales
Learn it then practice until you execute like a boss.
Video 3/6

This is all *FREE* edu. Watch it, save it, iterate on it and make it your own. Then go crush it 🤑

#unusualwhales #OptionsFlow
Read 7 tweets

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