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Mar 18th 2021
Next up: #2 seed Masrasector nananubis Vs. #15 seed Crypt-keeper Wasp. Battle by myself and @c_n_anderson #2021MMM  image shows crypt keeper wasp. the predominant colour of th image shows the skull of Masrasector nananubis. it is a sku
Masrasector nananubis species name means "little Anubis", referring to the jackal-headed ancient Egyptian god of embalming who protects tombs & brings souls through the underworld #2021MMM Picture of wall painting from the tomb of Sennedjem. Anubis
Lit'l Anubis belongs to a group of extinct predators known as Hyaenodonts. …..not because they looked like hyenas but because their teeth are similar to hyena teeth! The species dates to 35 million years ago (or 6,800,000 stoat life units) #2021MMM
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Mar 12th 2021
Next up: #4 ranked Malagasy Striped Civet (Fossa fossana) vs. #13 ranked Solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus) #2021MMM image 1 shows a stiped civet. It is a small mammal: about 47 a solenodon is about 1 foot long and looks like a large shr
This battle had a lot of help from @am_anatiala and genetic info from @StoneLab_ASU & @sexchrlab #2021MMM
Although the Striped Civet, aka the spotted fanaloka, is Madagascar's second largest carnivore, it's only the size of a house cat. It hunts small birds & mammals, frogs, crabs, & invertebrates (Goodman et al 2003) #2021MMM a civet on the ground at night. it has its head turned again
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Mar 23rd 2018
FIRST UP: #1 seed Pygmy Hippo (Choeropsis liberiensis) vs. #9 seed Maned Rat (Lophiomys imhausi)!! #2018MMM
In round 1, the pygmy hippo inadvently stabbed a wandering star-nosed mole with its tusk in a swamp #oops #mybad #2018MMM
While the maned rat dared the platypus to fight over a burrow #ComeAtMeBro but the monotreme, lacking his venom, wisely passed on the encounter #2018MMM
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