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Jul 10th 2019
Here is the video that was deleted of US women's soccer player behaving like a complete and total trash individual.

Feminsts will try and say these women are being wrongly persecuted because they are women. WRONG! If a men's National team behaved this way, they would get harshly criticized also.
Warriors forward Draymond Green is a trash talker of the highest order and he got drunk at all the parades after they won a championship but he never behaved this way . But that is a local team not a team that reprents the entire country. This behavior is disgusting. PERIOD!
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Jul 10th 2019
Behold The United States Women's Soccer Team. The personification of Class.

I am a diehard sports fan and I have seen some men's teams full of trash human beings behave in an unbecoming way after winning a championship, but never this ridiculous. These "women" are complete and total 🚮
Here is the video that was deleted of US women's soccer player behaving like a complete and total trash individual.

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Jul 10th 2019
I just rode my bike by City Hall where the clean up is underway, but glory is in thr air. What a great day for women athletes, for young girls who want to play with all their hearts. #USWNT simply the best. Better than all the rest.…
Just want to say I’ve not seen so many girls with their moms, aunts, cousins walking around lower Manhattan with wide grins. #USWNTParade has brought immense crowds and lifted innumerable spirits!
This was the #July4th parade America really needed, down Broadway’s Canyon of Heroes and Heroines with a million people along the way, cheering, screaming, feeling the power of women who play to win.…
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