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Feb 26th 2021
This is the part where I live tweet my #uxrconf talk (thx for the idea @albanvillamil @uxrcollective).

1/ We all have those phases in our lives where we’re not sure what we’re doing with our career. I’m going to talk about a concept called #Ikigai that can help navigate this.
2/ Even if you know what you’re doing, Ikigai is that inner compass that can give you clarity/courage when things get hard.

e.g. As researcher, we have to speak truth to power. Drawing attention to problematic findings can be tricky depending on the clients/leadership.

3/ And, Ikigai helps us have energy for things that we may be struggling with or see as less fun.

e.g. maybe we’re learning a new skill/subject that we’re not good at yet and dragging our feet. Ikigai can helps us sustain momentum and find joy in the learning journey.

Read 23 tweets
Jun 25th 2020
It's time to live-tweet my own talk 💪🏼 Let's nerd out over some #userresearch #ethics 🤓

#UXRConfAnywhere The Ethical Researcher's Checklist
I start my #UXRConfAnywhere talk on #userresearch #ethics with the second biggest fuck up I've ever made as a researcher (don't ask what was Number 1):

I exposed a participant's HIV status with a calendar pop-up Google Calendar notification saying Take TDF
When we talk about #design #ethics, we rarely discuss how easily #userresearch can cause harm (if anything, research is the solution and never the problem) #UXRConfAnywhere
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