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Dec 25th 2020
1/ Here is my present to you this Christmas Eve, I will try and make sense what QAnon is anticipating in the next two weeks based on what adherents have been talking about in case you have from interaction with family members who have been Qpilled in the next days.
2/ Monday Dec 21 was the winter solstice & the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction. For a movement that is apparently grounded in facts they really lay some mystical importance to the natural alignment of planets. The importance is that Dec 21 shifted the world into (The Great Awakening)
3/ Though the plan was being played out by human actors, we got to remember that QAnon is a religion grounded in pop culture. There is an omnipotent & omnipresent power behind Q and Qteam dictating and guiding everything that will happen in the coming days…
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