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May 6th 2020
Thank you Twitter for helping me yesterday be more "myself" in this weird time. Today, I get to share something so special: a glimpse into the #VirtualDefense experiences of 8 amazing people (and recent PhDs 🌟) published @iScience_CP .… Collage of virtual defenders who recently became PhDs virtually online over Zoom
I went to over 25 thesis defenses in the last two months. Every one of them was different, but at the same time, there were resonating emotions through all of them. There was nerves, sadness, joy, excitement, terror (geared at Zoom-bombing, not committees ;D).
Suddenly, science communication was forcibly opened to the masses (or at least anyone who had access to a Zoom link). While parties become much smaller or non-existent, it was so beautiful to see #AcademicTwitter rally behind all the recent #VirtualDefenders
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