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Aug 24th 2021
#Astrology #Update #VishwavijayPanchang
Sep - Nov 2021
We will experience following:
1. Fear of diseases and sickness.

2. Transportation and communication crisis.

3. Unprecedented decline in military relations with our neighbors
4. Military conflict and possibility of enemy attacking our borders.

5. Unconventional hybrid warfare might ensue.

6. Angry and horrifying face of Nature.

7. Financial crisis for comman Citizen.

8. All political parties will experience sorrow.

9. Serious threat to PM.
10. Care shall be given to health and safety of PM, HM and CMs.

11. We must be prepared to face enemy in any and every form.

12. Int Alliances will fall.

13. Polarisation levels will be as high as early 90's.

14. Food crisis due to inflation or supply chain disruption.
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