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Apr 15th 2023
Last week, Arizona Sheriff Mark Lamb officially announced his candidacy for the US Senate. Like other named “constitutional sheriffs,” Lamb has close ties to border militias and far-right #extremists in #AZ and beyond. (1/7) Image
On June 25, 2021, Lamb spoke & held a banner alongside Veterans on Patrol (#VoP) militia leaders at a #nativist Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) rally along the US-Mexico border fence (2/7)
A few months earlier, Lamb gave far-right activist Christie Hutcherson and sitting US Sen. @MarshaBlackburn (R-TN) a “border tour” on March 21, 2021.

Footage of the tour (ID'd by @FC_inquiry) was shared widely on Facebook & other platforms, including Lamb's official accts (3/7) Image
Read 7 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
Beyond excited to share my latest article, in collaboration w/ @bellingcat. “Borderless Vigilantism” leverages four geolocations to expose cross-border operations of AZ border militia Veterans on Patrol, and violence which blurs international boundaries.…
2/ My article also details a history of cordiality between associates of #VoP and various rank and file #CBP agents, who #militia principals claim have enabled cross-border operations into Mexico. Image
3/ The piece places VoP in the broader context of #extremist militias like TX-based nativist militia Patriots for America who, in attempts to outbid rivals for material support, have resorted to more aggressive tactics by venturing into Mexico. Image
Read 5 tweets
Aug 6th 2019
June 2018 we were the 1st ones to investigate #VOP “child sex trafficking” claims, and told you all why it was a hoax
Another warning from us about #VOP “child sex trafficking” hoax for donations back in June 2018
We told you about #VOP hoaxer Lewis Arthur mistreatment & scamming drug addicted homeless veterans
Read 8 tweets
Oct 26th 2018
If you don’t believe what we’ve said about @VopReal being a “child sex trafficking” hoax, since the beginning in June

Then listen to a combat Veteran 82nd Airborne 👇
This fraud @VopReal is led by convicted felon Lewis Arthur

Recently arrested on new charges

Legit groups fight child sex trafficking & are deserving of donation:


Isaac Kappy & Fiona Barnett support #VOP hoax - do they get a cut?
Read 3 tweets
Oct 13th 2018
1) We did not initiate any disagreement with Isaac Kappy

We posted a thread exposing the child sex trafficking hoax fronted by @VeganMikey about Voodoo Doughnuts

We never mentioned Kappy in our 1st Voodoo Doughnuts thread
2) Kappy saw our thread and began attacking AOS & owner / producer Gabe Hoffman

Kappy went on Periscope & literally threatened violence the very next morning against him
3) Kappy and Vegan Mikey almost got a big score out of the Voodoo Doughnuts child sex trafficking hoax

A terminally ill man on his hospital deathbed pledged $75,000 to Mikey, with Kappy as trustee

We posted a link to the video, it is still on YouTube
Read 11 tweets
Aug 13th 2018
We told you #VOP was a fraud from Day 1.

Why? Enabling convicted felons who make fraudulent claims about “rape trees” & “child sex trafficking” & “baby skulls”

By sending gift cards they trade for cash

Leads to this. Scary video

Great work @jjmacnab
Lewis Arthur, the leader of “Veterans on Patrol”, is shown in a disturbing video, cursing loudly and clearly not sober while his 9 year daughter is in the backseat of the vehicle he is driving. #VOP #BackyardBrawl = FRAUDS - as we told you from Day 1
If you really still have any doubts that #AnOpenSecret was right

warning many times

not to support Lewis Arthur with gift cards

watch this video by one of his followers

Arthur takes advantage of homeless Vets with severe mental & addiction issues
Read 3 tweets

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