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Most recents (2)

Aug 13th 2018
We told you #VOP was a fraud from Day 1.

Why? Enabling convicted felons who make fraudulent claims about “rape trees” & “child sex trafficking” & “baby skulls”

By sending gift cards they trade for cash

Leads to this. Scary video

Great work @jjmacnab
Lewis Arthur, the leader of “Veterans on Patrol”, is shown in a disturbing video, cursing loudly and clearly not sober while his 9 year daughter is in the backseat of the vehicle he is driving. #VOP #BackyardBrawl = FRAUDS - as we told you from Day 1
If you really still have any doubts that #AnOpenSecret was right

warning many times

not to support Lewis Arthur with gift cards

watch this video by one of his followers

Arthur takes advantage of homeless Vets with severe mental & addiction issues
Read 3 tweets
Dec 27th 2017
You think these rare occurrences are a coincidence?
2018 will be the year that pedophiles are exposed!
The unrepentant knee will bend!
Eyes will be open!
If the knee doesn't bend then this will likely be the result for more exposed pedophiles to come.
Read 114 tweets

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