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Mar 3rd 2021
Rashi (Bereishis 14:10, 32:4) teaches that "מצרימה" means "למצרים" to Mitzrayim and similarly, "חרנה" is translated "לחרן" to Choron.
Instead of placing a ל at the beginning of the word, the Torah places a ה at the end. Rebbe Mendel of Vorkeh zy'a (called the Shtiller Rebbe,
the silent Rebbe, because of his caution with his speech) asks why the Torah prefers to place a "ה" at the end of the word, rather than a "ל" at the beginning of the word? If there would be fewer letters, we would understand that the Torah prefers to write more concisely.
But either way, the words, "למצרים" and "המצרימה", contain the same number of letters. So, what is gained by placing a heh at the end of the word? The Vorker Rebbe replied that the gain is that it comes later. The heh comes at the end of the word, which is preferable over a
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