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Sep 27th 2021
He was born a French slave, he became a Spanish General and he commanded an all Black American militia in Florida. He was the real Django Unchained. His name is George "Jorge" Biassou. Haitian know him as #wapkonjoj Thread 1/17
Imagine a time where you felt slavery was so brutal w/ the French, that you felt necessary to align yourself w/ the Spaniards who also believed in slavery b/c you had a common enemy. That is exactly what happened in colony of St. Domingue at beginning of #HaitianRevolution 2/17
Biasson was son of slaves in world's most lucrative colony of Saint-Domingue (now Haiti). The French slave owners were notoriously brutal. In 1791, thousands of abused slaves rose up and poured out their fury onto them. 3/17…
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