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Jun 5th 2022
#bkdk #krbk #krdk #krbkdk #omegaverse

Izuku is an older omega, like 35 or something, and just lost his alpha a few months ago
Sadly he just realized that even with his death the insurance doesn't cover the full mortgage and with just one paycheck,
now it will be difficult to keep the house But Izuku loves this house, his husband changed it so much so it could be all theirs adding a shed in the garden so Izuku could grow food, changing the garage so Shindo, his husband, could work on cars which were his passion,
& adding rooms and stuff
This was their house and they Were happy and Izuku would be damned if he ever let the house go

So he writes an online ad for roommates, the house has 4 rooms so he ask for two roommates, the 4th room was Shindo’s office and it's too early still
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