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May 31st 2023
LOONA yyxy - Beauty & the Beat 🥀 (1/4)

#이달의소녀 #LOONA #今月の少女 ImageImageImageImage
LOONA yyxy - Beauty & the Beat 🥀 (2/4)

#이달의소녀 #LOONA #今月の少女 ImageImageImageImage
LOONA yyxy - Beauty & the Beat 🥀 (3/4)

#이달의소녀 #LOONA #今月の少女 ImageImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Oct 15th 2021
There were lots of clear references from prior MVs
Any new details or paths to extend previous ideas with?
Ex: Haseul/purple skirt? In LCM, Choerry changed out of her OEC outfit to one that matched Haseul/Yeojin's
+ Chuu/blue skirt?

Every paper plane in the HULA HOOP MV is either green or purple?
Read 7 tweets
Jun 27th 2021
@loonatheworld Starting off with a school bell - the LOONA members are pretending like they're in class at school

and Yeojin is the teacher lol
(Can't see Haseul yet)
Yeojin says that someone they really want to see, she's back from studying abroad
@loonatheworld **Yeojin says literally: "our phoenix, Haseul!" to introduce Haseul**
Read 59 tweets

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