David Nakamura Profile picture
Washington Post reporter.

May 27, 2019, 23 tweets

What the photos illustrate about the Trump White House is “how unselfconscious the choices for members of the administration have been when it comes to issues of race.” washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/…

UK State Dinner


In Ireland #thread

Here’s Trump’s team for Australia bilat. All white men except for Ivanka. #thread

I'm just going to leave this one right here. #thread #diversity

Trump's bilateral team in with Pakistan's prime minister yesterday #thread #diversity

Trump's G7 bilateral with Egyptian Pres. el-Sisi. #thread #diversity

Trump’s emergency management team for Hurricane Dorian #Diversity #thread

Trump's South Korea bilateral team at #unga ... #diversity #thread (photo @josh_wingrove)

@josh_wingrove Trump's crisis response team for Turkey/Syria conflagration. #diversity #thread

@josh_wingrove Trump team for Baghdadi operation in White House Situation Room #diversity #thread

@josh_wingrove Here's Trump's team for bilat with France's Macron on the sidelines of the NATO summit. All white men. #diversity #thread

@josh_wingrove Trump's war cabinet. #diversity #thread

@josh_wingrove Transpo Sec. Elaine Chao offers a smidgen of racial diversity as Trump and WH aides (on stage and seated to Trump's left) announce phase one deal with China. #diversity #thread

Trump’s #coronavirus briefing team #thread #diversity

Trump's 2020 campaign staff #thread #diversity

Return from India trip on Air Force One. #Diversity #thread

White House coronavirus team. #diversity #thread

Meeting with Joint Chiefs and Cabinet members. #diversity #thread

Mexico bilat #diversity #thread

Middle East peace deal. #diversity #thread (📸 @dougmillsnyt)

Kosovo-Serbia deal #diversity #thread

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