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Aug 20, 2019, 11 tweets

Vaccine-preventable diseases include:
Cervical cancer
Hep B
Japanese encephalitis
Yellow Fever

💪🏽 reduce child deaths and disease
💪🏽 protect against outbreaks
💪🏽 prevent malnutrition
💪🏽 defend against antimicrobial resistance

With vaccines, we are protected together! #VaccinesWork 💪🏽

@WHOAFRO @WHOSEARO @WHOWPRO @pahowho @WHO_Europe @WHOEMRO @DrTedros Immunization has proven the test of time as one of public health’s most cost-effective interventions.

It is a central pillar of universal health coverage.

It's time for #HealthForAll! #VaccinesWork 💪🏽

@WHOAFRO @WHOSEARO @WHOWPRO @pahowho @WHO_Europe @WHOEMRO @DrTedros Vaccination is a right for all children. Yet, each year, more than 1 in 10 children worldwide still miss out on lifesaving #vaccines such as measles, diphtheria and tetanus. #VaccinesWork 💪🏽

@WHOAFRO @WHOSEARO @WHOWPRO @pahowho @WHO_Europe @WHOEMRO @DrTedros There remain immense inequities in vaccine access. Most of the unvaccinated children 👧👦 live in the poorest countries.

But also across countries of all income levels, the poorest, most disadvantaged children are most likely to miss out.
It's time for #HealthForAll!

@WHOAFRO @WHOSEARO @WHOWPRO @pahowho @WHO_Europe @WHOEMRO @DrTedros @EU_Commission Most unvaccinated children live in the poorest countries and are disproportionately in fragile or conflict-affected states.

Almost half are in just 16 countries:

It's time for #HealthForAll!

@WHOAFRO @WHOSEARO @WHOWPRO @pahowho @WHO_Europe @WHOEMRO @DrTedros @EU_Commission Globally, 95% coverage is needed to protect against outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases like #measles.

Since 2010, vaccination coverage with 3 doses of diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis and 1 dose of the measles vaccine has stalled at around 86%. #VaccinesWork

90 countries – home to 1 in 3 girls worldwide - had introduced the #HPV vaccine into their national programmes. Yet, just 13 of these are lower-income countries.
This leaves those most at risk of #cervicalcancer still least likely to have access to the vaccine. #HealthForAll

🏙Mass urbanization
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Population growth
🌪Natural disasters
🌎Environmental disruption
are likely to further exacerbate challenges to access to vaccines.
It's more critical than ever that we ensure #VaccinesWork for all.

It's time for #HealthForAll!

#Vaccines are a cornerstone of the right to health, and are at the heart of universal health coverage.
From saving lives to preventing poverty, vaccines allow people of all ages to lead full and healthy lives.
That's why we need #HealthForAll!

@pahowho @WHOWPRO @WHOSEARO @WHO_Europe @WHOEMRO @WHOAFRO #Vaccines are at the heart of universal health coverage.

WHO/@EU_Commission Global Vaccination Summit will provide an opportunity to shape a new #VaccinesWork agenda, addressing gaps in coverage & tackling the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases 👉

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