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Sep 18, 2019, 20 tweets

The Q Review For You 9/18/19: The World These People Live In Is Literally Hell.

1. Carrie (AKA The Wife Of QCop) has said she'll stop believing in The Plan when Trump leaves office. Till then she's here to both believe and push the agenda of The Plan. The includes making up a giant conspiracy theory that proves Reading Rainbow is evil. (HT to @NewAgeGrifts)

2. We begin with her claiming Obama hanging out on Martha's Vineyard is evil. She makes the baseless claim that Obama is "Seen quite often with a band aid on his left middle finger." cause she knows people want to hear about how Obama's evil and bad and will never fact check her.

3. Then we tie in Pizzagate and Prince Andrew because we're working hard here to guilt by association everyone the QAnon crowd already hates. Pizzagate has been debunked 1,000 times and it doesn't matter. These people hate who they hate.

4. Are we going to throw in some objectionable art? You know we are. This is always how these people operate. Finding stuff that they can get offended over and talk about how Satanic it all is. MKUltra gets brought up and my bingo card is nearly full.

5. And then we get to the big QAnon payoff. Implication. Carrie leads us along the path and then finally asks us if things look bad here or not. This is the standard tactic of QAnon. A shrug, a gesture. A "This has to be bad right?" said knowingly.

6. QAnon never wants you to think for yourself. The goal is to come to the conclusion the storyteller wants you to come to. Free thinking is forbidden. Group think and hatred of the outgroup is the coin of the realm here.

7. Band aids on fingers are proof of Satanism. A child making the OK sign is the "Eye of Horus" and a sign of indoctrination. Everything is evil, everything is scary and bad.

8. This whole thing was already a solid 8 out of 10 on the road to crazy town. Now we're gonna turn it up to 11 and suddenly Reading Rainbow comes under attack.

9. Yes that's right folks. Reading Rainbow was a Deep State funded psy-op that was led by an evil woman who is tied to the Podesta emails (Drink!) and her evil blog about being a mom. Evil evil evil!

10. Project Monarch doesn't exist. It was made up by Cathy O'Brien as a spin off from MKUltra (Which did happen.) Butterflies are bad because everything is bad. The Checkerboard floor thing isn't Monarch/MKUltra it's Freemasons. These people recycle material constantly.

11. Monarch is not a real thing. The Illuminati folks ran with the claims of one woman (Who has no evidence) and they act like it's all real. To make up this evil to live in hatred and fear of it is so bizarre.

12. Now we drag Disney into the mess because the conspiracy needs to be even bigger and more horrific. Where is Project Monarch located? Who is running it? Why has Q not shut it down yet? If it's shut down why haven't people been arrested?

13. Now Carrie pretends that the children she taught in school were practically put into a trance by the Reading Rainbow song. Also the evil of the butterfly continues to haunt her steps.

14. Carrie explains that children all across America have been victims of Monarch Programming (Where is the HQ?! How it is still in operation?!) they are 'usually programmed' during holidays and summer vacations.

15. Think about what she just said. She just told us the kids get programmed when they are out of school and being watched by their parents. How do the parents screw up and let the kids get taken away for programming? How is this happening?

16. "Bob. Don't forget that Sally had ballet at 2 and Timmy has baseball at 4 and after you pick them up take them to their Project Monarch programming session at 5:30. You were late last week and I got an angry phone call from Taskmistress Huma."

17. I thought the schools were the ones doing this. Nope those Godless Citadels of Liberal Indoctrination are a child's only safe place from the Deep State's clutches.

18. And that folks is how Reading Rainbow crushes the souls of the Project Monarch mind controlled youth of America. To live in such fear and horror over the most mundane things in the world is a terrible way to live. QAnon is mind poison in so many different ways.

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