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Apr 26th 2023
1. Thread on Billie Eilish - Man climbs KTLA tower in Hollywood with " Free Billie Eilish " and " MK Ultra Sex Slaves Donald Marshall Clones " banner #mkultra #mindcontrol #donaldmarshall #monarch #freebillie #freebillieeilish #KTLAtower
2. Even wikipedia admits illegal "MK ultra" mind control experiments went on, using trauma based mind control to split the mind into differents alters each with amnesic barriers between "personalities"… #mkuktra #mindcontrol #projectmonarch #tbmc
3. These MK Ultra mind control experiments are still going on as thousands of subjects have testified. Here is a thread, quite old now of some mind control whistleblowers #mkultra #mindcontrol #projectmonarch #freebillieeilish
Read 37 tweets
Apr 21st 2023
1. Thread on Mormon child abuse and mind control #mormons #LDS #LatterDaySaints #ChurchofLatterDaySaints #csa #childabuse #ritualabuse #sra Image
2. Good place to start is July 1990 a 12 page internal LDS Church memo, called the Pace Memo. It lays bare that satanic ritual child abuse happens in the Mormon church, as told by 60 victims who were church members. #sra #mormons #childabuse…
3. The Pace Memo above destroys any argument from desperate ritual abuse deniers or the mormon child abuse deniers. Ritual abuse happens and it happens the Mormon church. #PaceMemo #sra #ritualabuse #childabuse #csa Image
Read 35 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
1. Thread of Free Books that I recommend on the system
2. Fiona Barnett - Eyes Wide Open 63Mb pdf link… #FionaBarnett #EyesWideOpen #LockdownEdition Thankyou Fiona
3. Fighting Monarch Book 1 Stories When Little - Epic detective story that covers my abuse under MK-ULTRA in relation to world events from 1969 to 1986.… Thankyou #mkultra #projectmonarch #mindcontrol #tbmc #fightingmonarch
Read 7 tweets
Nov 21st 2020
1. Visit my website, Fighting Monarch, to learn how CIA uses cybernetics, hypnotism, drugs, and horrific sexual abuse to enslave people and to warp their sexuality

#hefner #playboy #playboyplaymates #mkultra #projectmonarch #mindcontrol #cia #mi7 #tavistock #newworldorder #nwo
2. Playboy is one of the weapons in NWO’s arsenal.…
3. Like Disney, it looks innocent, but it is far from it.
Read 20 tweets
Nov 11th 2020
1. Mia Khalifa is a person of interest when it comes to CIA activity, as they use her in OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD.

#miakhalifa #miak #projectmonarch #mkultra #operationmockingbird #cia #mi7 #tavistock
2. Mia Khalifa grew up in war-torn Beirut, a hotbed of CIA activity.
3. Then she went to Massanutten Military Academy.
Read 16 tweets
Nov 11th 2020
1. Visit my website, Fighting Monarch, to learn how CIA uses cybernetics, hypnotism, drugs, and horrific sexual abuse to enslave people & to warp their sexuality.

#hefner #playboy #playboyplaymates #mkultra #projectmonarch #mindcontrol #cia #mi7 #tavistock #newworldorder #nwo
2. Playboy is one of the weapons in NWO’s arsenal.…
3. Like Disney, it looks innocent, but it is far from it.
Read 19 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
1. The murder of Vanessa Guillen is one of many crimes at Ft. Hood that needs to be investigated.…

#justiceforvanessagullien #justiceforvanessa
2. The military is full of rape, as a soldier rapes someone every thirty minutes.…

More than half is male-to-male, and it all needs to be stopped.
3. The United States Air Force, in particular, is full of satanists, rapists, and child molesters.…
Read 20 tweets
Sep 18th 2019
The Q Review For You 9/18/19: The World These People Live In Is Literally Hell.
1. Carrie (AKA The Wife Of QCop) has said she'll stop believing in The Plan when Trump leaves office. Till then she's here to both believe and push the agenda of The Plan. The includes making up a giant conspiracy theory that proves Reading Rainbow is evil. (HT to @NewAgeGrifts)
2. We begin with her claiming Obama hanging out on Martha's Vineyard is evil. She makes the baseless claim that Obama is "Seen quite often with a band aid on his left middle finger." cause she knows people want to hear about how Obama's evil and bad and will never fact check her.
Read 20 tweets
Dec 24th 2017
I keep hearing 7.1+ & seeing Oaxaca
Just putting this here^…
I seem to have missed this one:…
Read 69 tweets

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