Rebecca Vincent Profile picture
Interim Director of Big Brother Watch. Former Campaigns Director at Reporters Without Borders. I campaign for good causes and work to hold power to account.

Nov 2, 2019, 10 tweets

At @RSF_inter, we work every day to ensure the protection of journalists & to #endimpunity for the alarming number of journalists killed (968 over past 10 years). On International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, my thoughts are on some specific cases - thread.

@RSF_inter Azerbaijani editor Elmar Huseynov was the first case of a murdered journalist I ever worked on, and will always stay with me. He was gunned down in a contract-style killing outside his Baku flat on 2 March 2005. More than 14 years on, there's still been no justice. #endimpunity

@RSF_inter Elmar Huseynov's murder inspired a new generation of journalists & civil society activists in #Azerbaijan, including Rasim Aliyev - who was himself killed in murky circumstances following the Baku European Games in Aug 2015. I will always remember his quiet heroism. #endimpunity

@RSF_inter I will also always remember Rafiq Tağı, a kind, gentle soul whom I got to know when, released from prison on ludicrous charges, he attended hearings of other journalists on trial in #Azerbaijan. He was murdered in November 2011, and still there's been no justice. #endimpunity

@RSF_inter Russian journalist Anna #Politkovskaya is the first case in my career that I remember shaking the world. She was gunned down in the lift in her block of flats in Moscow on 7 October 2006. Although the hitmen are now behind bars, the masterminds continue to walk free. #endimpunity

@RSF_inter #MarieColvin is another case that shook the world. We now know that she was deliberately targeted by the Assad regime, killed in a rocket attack alongside French photojournalist Rémi Ochlik, whilst covering the siege of Homs, Syria on 22 February 2012. #endimpunity

@RSF_inter The world seems to have forgotten that it was not just #MarieColvin killed in Syria. Since Marie's murder in Feb 2012, a staggering 253 journalists have been killed in Syria - mostly local journalists. Thinking of each and every one of these courageous souls today. #endimpunity

@RSF_inter Journalists are still being killed with impunity in war zones while the world turns a blind eye. Christopher Allen was a British-American freelance journalist, killed covering the civil war in South Sudan on 26 August 2017. We continue the fight for #JusticeforChris. #endimpunity

@RSF_inter It's no longer just war zones - a growing number of journalists are being deliberately targeted, particularly investigative journalists exposing corruption. We will never stop fighting for justice for #DaphneCaruanaGalizia, assassinated in Malta on 16 October 2017. #endimpunity

@RSF_inter Among the most horrific cases in recent history is Jamal #Khashoggi, the Saudi columnist who was murdered and dismembered inside the consulate of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul on 2 October 2018. We continue the campaign for #JusticeforJamal. #endimpunity

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