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Criminal defence lawyer. he/him 🏳‍🌈 Follow me in Farsi: @arash_tag بنر از گلرخ نفیسی

Dec 10, 2019, 6 tweets

Press conference today on the right of people with disabilities to a decent standard of living!

#defenddisability #odsp #IDH2019
@ODSPAction @HPAP_Ontario

The new test for disability may exclude people with MS, Arthritis, some Cancers, and people with mental health ilnesses from #ODSP - Karin Baqi from ISAC

"On #IDH2019 we urge the province to maintain the current definition of disability, raise the rates of social assistance, and preserve the independence of the social benefits tribunal"

Andrea Hatala from @ODSPAction: "We have enough surveillance already when we are on #ODSP. The idea that people aren't really disabled is based on #ableism."


Scott Guzman from Social Assistance Coalition of Scarborough:

"Are those on social assistance worth the trouble? The province's answer may well be no, we are not."

#IDH2019 #defenddisability

Dr. Michaela Beder from @HPAP_Ontario: "Poverty leads to worse physical and mental health."

"If #ODSP definition of #disability changes, many vulnerable clients will no longer qualify for desperately needed support."


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