BISWA (ବିଶ୍ୱ) Profile picture

Dec 19, 2019, 8 tweets

(1/n)So in India protest game is going on. Some supporting them, specifically some of #Bollywood ,#Seculars ,self called #intellectuals and some are writing essays on this in social media just to get some likes, shares and comments.
Ok, its good but 1 question:-

(2/n)Have anyone read #CABBILL2019?
Or just believing in some whatsapp, fb,twitter shares?
CAB which was passed provides a path for Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian religious minorities from neighbouring "MUSLIM" countries of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.

(3/n)Now some will argue
Why not Muslims, they are also tortured??

Ok, so in a officially declared Muslim country where their official religion is Islam and the muslims only in these countries are tortured then we must blame India or that country?
@AskAnshul @ippatel

(4/n)Secondly can anyone give me a country name where Hindu, Sikh, Jain, buddhism is the official religion?
And third there is no where mentioned that a Muslim migrant will not get a citizenship. If he/she applies legally govt will give them too. Only illegal immigrants are not..

(5/n)allowed and why should we??
If someone of the illegal immigrants bombs some public place tomorrow in name of #Jihad or #gajwa or something bullshit, who's to blame?

Who will take responsibility for that?
@royally_fiery @Swamy39 @Being_Vinita

(6/n)Now come to #AMU and #JNU . These students are no way affected by any way by CAB but still they protest because they consider themselves concerned citizens of India😯
So their concerns only comes when there is exams in university so that they can stop their exam

(7/n)and act concerned citizens on roads burning public properties and pelting stones on public, police.

So concerned na..they are👏

Students in other universities don't get time from assignments, exams,projects and seminars but this two university gets time to protest

(8/n)living in 35/- per month hostel room with food and almost free course fee and the money is paid by those on which they pelt stones on roads.
please open your eyes🙏🙏🙏

#JaiHind #VandeMataram 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

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