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Capitol Hill Correspondent @NewsNation • Metro-Detroit • Proudly Lebanese 🇱🇧 • @ColumbiaJourn • #Sparty @ShirinRajaee’s Husband & Selma’s Dad :) Stay Hungry!

Jan 3, 2020, 10 tweets

Minority Leader McCarthy praising the attack that killed Qasem #Sulaimani -Quds force leader #nexstarDC

"It's now the time we needed to take action." -Sec. of State Mike Pompeo on FOX and Friends. He said President Trump had showed restraint until now, but that actions was now necessary as the Pentagon reports impending attacks on American officials #Suleimani #NexstarDC

"The risk of doing nothing was enormous...doing nothing in this region shows weakness, it emboldens Iran." -Pompeo on #Suleimani #AirStrike #NexstarDC

"It was wholly lawful and we're confident that we not only got it right legally, but we got it right strategically."-Pompeo on #Suleimani. The administration will face questions today about whether the strike was properly done given Congress didn't give authorization #NexstarDC

We spoke to Congressman John @RepGaramendi, who sits on the House Armed Services Committee via Skype from California. He tells us “We certainly do not want, nor is there any authorization for an all out war against #Iran.” #Soleimani #nexstardc

#Soleimani was an enemy of the United States. That’s not a question.
However, it appears the US has just assassinated one of the most powerful individuals in the region without any congressional oversight or approval. This is a major escalation...” -@RepGaramendi #NexstarDC

“... with the potential to catalyze a massive regional conflict for the U.S. It is a risky and dangerous decision that makes the threat of war immeasurably higher.” #Soleimani @RepGaramendi #NexstarDC

@RepGaramendi Rep. @DougLaMalfa on moving 750 American troops to the Middle East in response to tensions w/ #Iran -we had this discussion before we knew about #Suleimani #Airstrike #NexstarDC

@RepGaramendi @DougLaMalfa Congressman @RepLaMalfa continued on to say "I don't think anyone's itching for an all out conflict with #Iran. I think over time we can still reach the people inside Iran." He favors a cultural/non-military campaign to support ppl inside Iran unhappy w/ their own gov #NexstarDC

@RepGaramendi @DougLaMalfa @RepLaMalfa There's definitely real concern among members of congress about what comes next, following the death of General #Soleimani -Iranian leaders have already threatened retaliation, and its clear lawmakers we talked to take that seriously @FOX40 #Iran #NexstarDC

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