AthinyaaAshok Profile picture
diabetes Dr in Derry/L'derry. UPR. #CoreConditions SQSFellow c9. PG QI lead #STEPWest FoundationProgDirector @fca_ni @WesternHSCTrust #diabeteswest. Baker. RTNE

Jan 24, 2020, 8 tweets

3/* impact on clinical outcomes.
#VirtualClinics as effective as face-to-face. No adverse impact on measured clinical outcomes in our cohort.

Impact on demand for appts?
Per pregnancy each women needed fewer appts. Both for antenatal and diabetes.

2/* the impact?
🎖~10500 miles saved(so far)
🎖3.1 tonnes reduction in CO2 emission 🌎
🎖travel time reduction for women with diabetes in pregnancy- 324 hours saved
🎖reduction in waiting time at clinic by 66%

Acknowledgements to everyone involved in our BigRoom for making this possible. @KilgallenA @FCA_coaching @kevinglackin @BRONAGHONEILL3 @NickiPerry15 Michelle @McDaidAnnmarie @eilmcivor Brenda, Majella,Amanda, Rhonda Gillian Marine& our directors @germckay @deirdremahon4

5/* In a parallel universe today, @WesternHSCTrust Altnagelvin Antenatal diabetes team would be at #bmjawards2020
Our #DiabetesInPregnancy #QI work has changed with COVID. Not stopped. #BigRoom continues with #SocialDistancing @FCA_NI @FCA_coaching @HSCQI

And we only gone and won #theBMJAwards 2020 Thank you to everyone who has been part of this amazing journey. 🙏🏼#innovation #improvement #change #personcentred care

#gesD #bigroom @FCA_NI story continues-
two years of sustained improvement. Waiting times ⬇️ From 66mins to 22 mins.
Almost identical board to 21/1/2020! (See tweet on 21/1) @WesternHSCTrust @kevinglackin @NickiPerry15 @eilmcivor @BRONAGHONEILL3 @FCA_coaching

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