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Jun 19th 2023
🚀 In the Age of AI, personalized customer experiences are crucial for competitive advantage. Companies like Home Depot, JPMorgan Chase, and Starbucks are leading the way. #CustomerExperience #AI #Personalization @HBR

A quick recap🍿👇 Image
📈 Competitive advantage is based on the ability to capture, analyze, and utilize personalized customer data at scale. AI is the key to understanding, shaping, customizing, and optimizing the customer journey. #Data #AI #CustomerJourney
💡 Brands like Sweetgreen and Stitch Fix have designed transformative first-party, data-driven experiences as well. Personalization is the design target for every touchpoint. #ChallengerBrands #Personalization #DataJustice2023
Read 9 tweets
Jun 14th 2023
As was widely expected, the @federalreserve today halted the most aggressive policy rate #HikingCycle since 1980, leaving the Fed Funds range unchanged at 5.0% to 5.25%, a level that appears clear to us to be finally having an impact on the #economy.
We think today’s actions represent a “Hawkish skip,” which implies that #policy makers are seeking more #data before potentially hiking rates again in July, or September.
For our part, we think #ChairPowell’s comments at the press conference made it clear that the #FOMC is seeking to balance increasingly restrictive monetary policy with the high degree of uncertainty around the tightening of #CreditConditions
Read 15 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
Using AI and sensitive information, such as voice or other biometric data?

Keep in mind: “machine learning is not a license to break the law.”

Here's what the FTC is reminding businesses 🧵…

#ArtificialIntelligence #privacy #AI #data
The Federal Trade Commission just released a new blog post that expands on the recent complaints against Amazon & Ring by providing some practical takeaways when it comes to AI tech, including natural language processing, and the collection, storage, & use of biometric data.
🔐 Be mindful of privacy when training and developing an AI tool. The FTC's enforcement authority under Section 5’s unfairness standard looks to both the benefit AND the cost to consumers for AI solutions.
Read 13 tweets
May 27th 2023
🧵Le "Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données" (aka #RGPD) est un sujet tellement boring. Mais quelles sont les pratiques à absolument éviter en 🇫🇷 concernant les #DonnéesPersonnelles ?
Si tu veux pas finir sur la paille à cause de la tonne de données que t'as scrapé 👇 Image
1⃣ Le #RGPD se concentre sur la protection des données personnelles.
C.a.d tout ce qui peut identifier une personne : nom, adresse, e-mail, numéro de sécurité sociale, taille du ..., etc.
Exploiter ces informations sans le consentement explicite de la personne, c'est mal Image
2⃣ Ne jamais présumer du consentement :
tu ne peux pas présumer que la personne est ok pour que utilise sa #data.
"Le consentement doit être clair, explicite et doit pouvoir être retiré à tout moment."
Tout est donc une question de préliminaires avant de passer à l'acte 💕
Read 14 tweets
May 26th 2023
1/7 🧵 The importance of #data in our digital economy is becoming more pronounced. By 2025, the total amount of data generated is expected to reach a staggering 175 zettabytes, with enterprise data increasing at a 42% annual growth rate. #BigData
2/7 This vast volume of data births the "data economy", a digital ecosystem where businesses, individuals, & government agencies gather, share, and monetize data, tapping into unexplored markets and serving with data-driven products. #DataEconomy
3/7 Organizations are participating in the data economy by eliminating data silos and promoting collaboration. This data exchange is helping organizations unlock value and create new business models. #DataExchange
Read 7 tweets
May 26th 2023
To get a basic understanding of excel formulas and funtion( SUM,COUNT,MIN, MAX etc) as a beginner in data analysis learning excel, the use of the Fucntion argument window is relevant and will also be a guide to gain understanding.

A Thread🧵 Image
-The Function Argument Window or Dialog box is helpful when building a formula. It helps to list the argument required for the function, identify which arguments are required or optional, show the result of a calculation or initial result of the function.
#data #excel
-It also help with understanding and using Nested functions-for example, when you want to put a MATCH function inside of a VLOOKUP function. It isn't easily understood for the first time trying it out, but you can use the function argument dialog for each function in the formula.
Read 6 tweets
May 25th 2023
Bon j'ai décidé de booster un peu (beaucoup?) mon audience Twitter.
Au programme amigos, comment utiliser la puissance de #Python pour traiter de la données et faire des trucs plus ou moins #BlackHat

D'abord on pose les bases, sans avoir le melon : ya de (très) grandes chances que je sois un meilleur programmeur que toi.
Ou en tout cas plus expérimenté, donc écoute tonton, tu pourras peut-être apprendre un ou deux trucs
Le sujet : la #data et ... comment se faire du pognon avec
Read 10 tweets
May 23rd 2023
Testing your pipelines before merging is crucial to ensure they do not fail in production. However, testing data pipelines is complex (and expensive) due to the data size, confidentiality, and time it takes to test a data pipeline.
#data #dataengineering #testing #dataops
Here are a few ways to get data for your tests:

1. Copying data: An exact copy of the prod data for testing will ensure that our changes are not breaking the pipeline. This is expensive! You can use a part of data for testing, accepting possible edge case misses.
2. Data git: Projects like Nessie and LakeFS can help set up different environments without replicating entire data.
Read 7 tweets
May 22nd 2023
Data engineers work with multiple systems & it's crucial to understand DevOps. Shown below are a few DevOps concepts to familiarize oneself with:

1. Docker:
2. Kubernetes:…
3. CI/CD:

That's a wrap!

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May 22nd 2023
The basics of R to Advance for Beginners.

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#DataAnalytics #DataScience #rstats #data #BigData Image
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May 22nd 2023
1/ Hey frends! Have you heard the news? @PythNetwork is now officially live on the @injective #mainnet, bringing a whole new level of possibilities for #dApps and the #Injective community!
Let's dive into what this integration means and how it impacts the world of #DeFi🌐
#INJ Image
Pyth is an #oracle network that revolutionizes the way real-world data is brought #onchain
Through its innovative low-latency pull oracle design, Pyth publishes continuous real-world #data, inc. prices, for various markets spanning equities, #commodities, forex pairs & #crypto
With this integration, #Injective #dApps now have seamless access to #Pyth's #onchain #data, empowering #developers and users alike to leverage real-world #asset information within the #blockchain environment. This is a game-changer for Injective's #ecosystem! 🆙
Read 13 tweets
May 22nd 2023
Hello Datafam,

So someone asked me where they can get to practice SQL so I would dropping links to platforms where you can practice SQL

Thread 🧵
1) Hackerrank @hackerrank

I have used this platform and I really loved using it. I also love that they reward with badges and stars as you make progress

check it out here:
2) DataLemur @DataLemurHQ
I personally love this because they give standard interview questions that cuts across various industries. There are also level such as Easy, Medium and Hard so if you want to prepare for technical interviews, check it out…
Read 9 tweets
May 21st 2023
Happy Sunday Everyone,

I think I am feeling well enough to make this tweet

So I want to share a small win here. I am participating in the Data Analytics Super League organized by @lighthall_co and I want to share that I advanced to level 3 in flying colors

Top of the table😁 ImageImage
The Level 2 challenge was a murder mystery challenge to find who the killer is and we were to solve the challenge using SQL

If you dug deeper you'd find out that there was someone who hired it.

Nothing complex but it was fun, felt like a detective 😊 ImageImage
My submission:…

If you want to try it out yourself and have fun with SQL, check here…

Thank you @lighthall_co and @thenaijacarguy for the challenge

it is getting really interesting and level 3 is not easy
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May 21st 2023
The basics of R for Beginners.

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#DataAnalytics #DataScience #rstats #data #BigData
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May 16th 2023
My first visit to Romania 🇷🇴 in Eastern Europe was filled with some amazing meetings with many awesome individuals - Sorry its a bit late but here are my key takeaways from some thought-provoking discussions during the visit 🗣️

Being able to drive in and park our @itheum branded @Tesla right in front of the Palace of Parliament and walk right in - presenting Itheum at this institutional event at @CipForum was an incredible milestone for the adoption of #Web3 #blockchain and the #nft ecosystem 🏆

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Spending some quality time with both @itheum Champs - @Bufaritza Vlad and @Costinas4 Bogdan who gave it their all to make my visit a productive and comfortable one - Romanian hospitality at its best 🙌

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May 13th 2023
The #country of the #indigenous #Pelasgians until 4000 BC aprox., when the Thracian tribes seperatad
A collection of Geographical & Historical Data of Thrace from ancient times to the #Thracian #Genocide of the 20th century AD
Learn from our glorious history Image
to be worthy of our ancestors.… Image
Read 10 tweets
May 12th 2023
#Technology #Thread #Semiconductor #Manufacturing #Data

The Semiconductor Critical Data:

1/ - The Semiconductor Industry Generates And Processes A Vast Amount Of Data, From Design And Testing To Manufacturing And Supply Chain Management. ImageImage
2/ - This Data Is Then Used To Provide Insights Into About Product Development, Supply Chain Optimization, And Quality Control. Image
3/ - The Semiconductor Industry Also Has To Focus On Data Security, As The Data It Handles Is Often Proprietary, Confidential, And Sensitive.

- It Is Done By Deploying Various Security Measures, Such As Encryption, Firewalls, And Access Controls. Image
Read 6 tweets
May 9th 2023
If you're starting out in data science (or if your wondering what you need to learn), don't believe everything you read. 🧵

Spot BS and focus on these 4 steps to grow your career.

#datascience #rstats #career Image
My friend Rafael Nicolas Fermin Cota (Nico) pointed me to this modified graphic from a Harvard Business Review Article on "Prioritizing Which Data Science Skills Your Company Needs".
With ChatGPT, AI, and the "trendiness" of buzzwords, this graphic becomes even more dangerous.…
Read 13 tweets
May 3rd 2023
🧑🏽‍⚖️ Prediction: supreme courts in many countries will someday debate scraping #data to train models without permission.

🧵 1/5
Many of the #NLP (natural language processing) and #LLM (large language models) have not asked permission of the content creators to use their content.

Some of the litigation is already happening. See the interview @nabihasyed did with Katherine Forrest for @themarkup:…

Read 5 tweets
May 3rd 2023
The Importance of #Research in #Copywriting: How to Use #Data to Inform Your #Writing Image
1. Did you know that research is a crucial component of effective copywriting? Before you start writing, you need to understand your audience and their pain points. The more you know about your target audience, the better you can tailor your copy to their needs.
2. When conducting research, start by identifying your target audience's demographics, psychographics & behavior patterns. This information will help you craft copy that resonates with your audience and compels them to take action.
Read 21 tweets
May 2nd 2023
1. A/B testing can significantly improve your copywriting results. By testing different variations of your copy, you can determine what works best for your audience and optimize your content accordingly. #copywriting #ABtesting
2. A/B testing allows you to make data-driven decisions about your copy. Instead of relying on guesswork, you can use actual user data to determine which copy resonates with your audience and drives more conversions. #data #copywriting
Read 21 tweets
May 1st 2023
@rk_process9 #ChatGPT has sparked a global belief in #AI and its capabilities to replace humans. However, affluent individuals and businesses seek exclusive access to customized AI models rather than using the tools or #platforms that are publicly available.
With exclusivity, large businesses would be able to train these #AI models using years of their collected #data. This is understandable, as these individuals and businesses have reached #success by thinking and acting differently from their competitors.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 26th 2023
🧵According to a recent Gallup poll, the world is turning its back on Russia.

For the first time since Gallup started tracking world leaders’ approval ratings, most of the world disapproves of Russia’s leadership.

Here are some key takeaways:
Gallup's 2022 survey of 137 countries and territories revealed a 57% median disapproval rating for Russian leadership - the highest point since tracking began in 2007.

In just one year, disapproval increased dramatically from 38% to 57%. Image
Majorities in 81 out of 137 countries surveyed in 2022 disapproved of the Russian leadership.
Read 19 tweets
Apr 21st 2023
"The established supply chain for scholarly books presents a major challenge for small or new #OA publishers to thrive. Specialised title management systems, for instance, are difficult to access and many systems are not oriented to #openaccess books." #ScalingSmall #OABooks
"@COPIMproject has dedicated time and attention to this issue developing @Thoth_metadata, a #metadata management system, that aims to level the playing field between large and small publishers by alleviating some of the difficulties faced by scholar-led presses."
@COPIMproject @Thoth_metadata Everything about @Thoth_metadata is #OpenSource on Github - the database includes chapter-level #metadata for #OABooks
Plus #DOIs #RORids #ORCids with mappings between multiple #metadata schema including MARC
#ScalingSmall Image
Read 71 tweets

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