Thomas van Linge Profile picture
Freelance journalist/researcher with a passion for the struggle for democracy, human rights & wildlife preservation. Reporting on wars, uprisings & conservation

Jan 28, 2020, 6 tweets

#Syria BREAKING: regime forces are reported to have entered (and some say even captured) the city of Maarat al-Numan, one of the main symbols of the #SyrianRevolution in #Idlib

#Syria: thousands of civilians are on the run, fleeing from the regime towards the Turkish border.

Despite all the horror some Syrian children continue to smile

#Syria: as the regime advances in southern #Idlib, towns across the region are being bombarded.

A Syrian father tries to protect his terrified son with his own body as shells ars landing nearby

#Syria: fleeing Syrians as far as the eye can see.

@SyriaCivilDef reports on tge massive exodus from southern #Idlib

#Syria: sources are confirming Maarat al-Numan has indeed fallen to the #Assad regime.

For 7 years the city was free of regime rule. But relentless bombardments have forced the resistance to crumble and the people to flee.

Maarat al-Numan is now an abandoned city of rubble.

#Syria: regime warplanes and helicopters are targeting the Saraqib in #Idlib as thousands of fleeing Syrians are passing through the town

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