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Mar 16th 2022
🚨New Pub🚨
Coincidentally my article was published in @n_nationalism on the 11th anniversary of the #SyrianRevolution
It took a lot of work & revisions to finally get it out. It simultaneously evokes beautiful & painful memories about the greatest political event in my life🧵1/6 Image
This article traces the discursive re-articulation of the sectarian narratives as part of the meaning-making processes in the context of the Syrian uprising's first 3 years and the country's devolution into civil war. It criticizes using groupist terms and reifying practices 2/6
Specifically, it traces how local and supralocal activists' reactions to the regime's brutal violence and its master narrative culminated in the activation and politicization of the category of ‘sect’ as a residual sociality (Lisa Wedeen's (2019)+Raymond Williams's (1977)) 3/6
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Jun 8th 2020
#Syria: for two days now people in the southern province of #Suwayda are out to protest against the #Assad regime. @suwayda24 has translated some of the chants made by the protesters
#Syria: Syrians in Druze-majority #Suwayda chant "Oh Idlib, we are with you until death! Oh Daraa, we are with you until death".

Cross-sectarian solidarity is a nightmare for the regime
#Syria: protesters in #Suwayda chant in in honor of the memory of Abdel Basset Sarout, the former goalkeeper who joined the rebellion became an icon of the #SyrianRevolution
Read 10 tweets
Apr 24th 2020
Anwar Raslan is a 57 Years old former intelligence member from #Syria.

He is charged with crimes against humanity that include imprisonment & torture. Yesterday he appeared on trial in Germany in one of the first international trials of a Syrian defector. ImageImage
The charges he is being investigated with vary from rape to aggravated sexual assault & at least 58 murders at Branch 251, an intelligence unit prison Damascus #Syria…
He allegedly was present at the torture of at least 4,000 people as a commanding officer between 2011 & 2012 - I interviewed some of the ex-detainees in #Syria who had fled to #Lebanon over the past few years between 2014 and 2017.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 28th 2020
#Syria BREAKING: regime forces are reported to have entered (and some say even captured) the city of Maarat al-Numan, one of the main symbols of the #SyrianRevolution in #Idlib ImageImage
#Syria: thousands of civilians are on the run, fleeing from the regime towards the Turkish border.

Despite all the horror some Syrian children continue to smile ImageImageImageImage
#Syria: as the regime advances in southern #Idlib, towns across the region are being bombarded.

A Syrian father tries to protect his terrified son with his own body as shells ars landing nearby Image
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