May Wong Profile picture
Senior Indochina Correspondent @ChannelNewsAsia (Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) Formerly based in Myanmar. Now Bangkok and around the region

Feb 14, 2020, 8 tweets

All calm now at scene of earlier shooting in #Thailand #Bangkok. #Shooter is said to be 44-years-old. Owns a sportswear shop. Neighbours & a nephew claim he's a good & friendly guy. They don't believe he has any financial issues because he just renewed shop rental #ยิงกลางกรุง

#Thailand #Bangkok #Forensics team still on #shooting site where a man shot randomly early Friday morning. No injuries reported. #ยิงกลางกรุง. This shooting comes barely a week since last one in #koratshooting #KoratStrong where a rouge soldier killed 29, injured almost 60

Police sealed off back of shop/house where #Thailand #Bangkok #shooter was holed up before giving himself up to police #ยิงกลางกรุง. Investigations ongoing. Neighbours say they didn't know he had a gun. They speculate it could be due to stress as shops are not making any money

Apparently police still at shop where #Thailand #Bangkok #shooter reportedly fired around 20 shots with a pistol tells me the man had apparently fired randomly from his shop & went back to sleep after. Shooter's sportswear shop near the #ยิงกลางกรุง #ChulalongkornUniversity

#Thailand #Bangkok #police #forensics entered shophouse owned by #shooter who's now reportedly in his late 40s. Police apparently point to 2 potential causes of family problems & poor business for him firing. Appears also he has 4 guns which are apparently registered #ยิงกลางกรุง

#Thailand #Bangkok #Police #Forensics gathering evidence at #shooting scene where lone shooter had reportedly fired shots from his shophouse. Bullet holes can be seen 100m away hitting an abandoned building under construction. Man apparently fired gun in wee hours #ยิงกลางกรุง

Video from scene of #Thailand downtown #Bangkok shooting #ยิงกลางกรุง where the shooter is already in custody. Investigations ongoing to determine the motive behind this incident. This will resurface concerns about gun control in country and the need to address this issue fast

More pics of #Thailand downtown #Bangkok shooting where no injuries reported. Shooter in custody. #ยิงกลางกรุง Reportedly, Thailand has 10 million privately-owned guns. But about 4 million of those are unregistered and unaccounted for.

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