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Chicago Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression, democratic civilian control of Chicago Police #CPOPNow! CFIST, #FreeThemAll - prison torture survivors

May 23, 2020, 9 tweets

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@NAARPR is organizing a national day of protest on May 30th, next week, to fight back against the racism behind the disproportionate effects of the pandemic on our communities.

We are taking action to demand that the lives of the people, particularly Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people who are being hit hardest by the pandemic, are put before the pockets of corporations.

We are fighting for an end to racist violence, and for the rights of workers, many of whom are Black, Latinx, and Indigenous, not to be forced back to work with covid-19 still ravaging their communities.

We are demanding justice for those murdered by police and racist vigilantes. Even a global pandemic won't stop them from killing us. The only way racist terror will stop is if we fight to end it.

We are demanding an end to the genocidal policies that have turned prisons, jails, and detention centers into death traps.

We cannot be silent while the state leaves untold numbers of people to die in confinement. Every single person incarcerated in this country is at risk, and we must #FreeThemALL

We must support incarcerated people as they fight for their lives against a system that denies them their humanity. Elected officials must be held accountable and put under pressure to do the right thing.

We are demanding the release of all political prisoners, torture survivors, and the wrongfully convicted. Elected officials like @GovPritzker have the power to release them all right now, and we must hold their feet to the fire until they do so.

On May 30th there will be protests all over the country. In Chicago, we will have two meet up points for car caravans at 1pm: one near Cook County Jail and one downtown. Stay tuned for more details!

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