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Feb 16th 2021
This is a must watch video of Chairman Fred Hampton. A fave. Incredibly important critical analysis of strategy and tactic.
We had intense dialogue about this during the uprising where these tensions were heightened. This is a very divisive issue and is used expertly by COINTELPRO to disrupt processes and orgs.
But this is also a real political tension where ideologies can be used to justify conflict in defense and in opposition to. We saw this appear acutely this summer.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 16th 2021
This is just getting started!!

Watch live on Facebook:…
We are now hearing a recording from incarcerated torture survivor, Stanley Howard, who was tortured by Jon Burge and has been incarcerated for over 37years.

Stanley was a part of the Death Row Ten and was exonerated but yet remains behind bars.

#FreeStanley #FreeThemAll
Mustafa Bimel, incarcerated from 1986 to 2018


Read 32 tweets
Sep 24th 2020
THREAD: Gerald Reed has been incarcerated for 29 years after being tortured into confessing to a crime he did not commit. His incarceration exposes the illegitimacy of the prison system. W/ the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, now is the time to #FreeGeraldReed and #FreeThemAll
Gerald was kidnapped by CPD on October 3rd, 1990. Detectives Michael Kill and Victor Breska, members of Jon Burge’s notorious “midnight crew”, proceeded to torture Gerald until he confessed to a double homicide.
During the “interrogation” the detectives broke a metal rod that had been placed in Gerald’s leg to repair his thigh bone from a gunshot wound. This injury has still not been adequately treated and Gerald cannot walk because of it.
Read 20 tweets
Sep 22nd 2020

Gerald Reed has been incarcerated for almost 30 Years for a crime he did not commit! This is injustice in it's truest form. Gerald's life is in danger.

It is our duty to fight to #FreeGeraldReed

Every call counts.
CFIST continues to demand @GovPritzker immediately pardon Gerald Reed & ALL those tortured and wrongfully convicted. When we say #FreeGeraldReed, we also mean #FreeThemAll! We will continue to fight until Gerald & all those tortured are free!
Get involved:
Sign the CFIST petition pressure @GovPritzker to pardon all torture survivors! The Governor is the ONLY person who has the power to free torture survivors with the STROKE OF A PEN.
Read 4 tweets
May 30th 2020
White supremacy kills Black people in the streets, in their homes, at work, and in prisons. Lynchings by police and vigilantes must stop. Death by infection due to incarceration must stop. On this #DayOfProtest we are fighting to stop them.
#FreeThemAll Image
This #DayOfProtest is for Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Sean Reed, and everyone whose life was stolen by racist murderers. We demand justice for the families and community control of the police.
#StopPoliceCrimes Image
This #DayOfProtest is for Gerald Reed, Clayborn Smith, Tamon Russell, and countless others who were kidnapped by police and tortured over many years of incarceration. We demand freedom and reparations for all torture survivors and the wrongfully convicted.
#FreeThemAll Image
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May 23rd 2020
Share this thread and these graphics with every organization you know!
@NAARPR is organizing a national day of protest on May 30th, next week, to fight back against the racism behind the disproportionate effects of the pandemic on our communities.
#StopPoliceCrimes Image
We are taking action to demand that the lives of the people, particularly Black, Latinx, and Indigenous people who are being hit hardest by the pandemic, are put before the pockets of corporations. Image
We are fighting for an end to racist violence, and for the rights of workers, many of whom are Black, Latinx, and Indigenous, not to be forced back to work with covid-19 still ravaging their communities. Image
Read 9 tweets
May 16th 2020
We're going live in 10 minutes!
We are making posters to tell the stories of torture survivors. This is a thread of just a few of the ones we've made so far.
Please share them far and wide and tune into the #FreeThemAll forum at 3pm:…
#FreeGeraldReed ImageImage
Thank you Mark Clements @Prisonspeaks for all the work you've done and are doing to #FreeThemAll. The fight for reparations continues! ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
May 12th 2020
THREAD: Updates from the Stop Police Crimes meeting this week.
Gerald Reed is staying strong but remains incarcerated. He continues to ask us for help in demanding better sanitary conditions in the prisons. People are still not wearing masks in Stateville NRC and in many correctional facilities across the country #FreeGeraldReed #FreeThemAll ImageImageImage
Robert Milan - a crooked SP who worked hard to keep Gerald Reed locked up - has been trying to get a Northwestern professor fired for filing the emergency petition for mass release. read more of the petition here:…
Read 11 tweets
May 12th 2020
"No one is disposable, and that includes incarcerated people... We are calling to #FreeGeraldReed, #FreeThemAll, and #MassReleaseNow!"
- Tanya Watkins, @TanyaMXOfficial, executive director of @SOULInChicago
Learn more about these demands and how you can join us in fighting for them at the #FreeThemAll forum this Saturday:… Image
Watch the full video here:…
Read 3 tweets
Apr 29th 2020
Some updates from last night's Stop Police Crimes committee meeting. Read through to stay updated and see what work you can plug into.
Some of Gerald's symptoms have subsided but someone he knows, "Spanky" Wells, recently passed away due to covid-19 inside Stateville. Every person in there and in every prison, jail, and detention center is at risk of losing their life and we must fight to #FreeThemAll.
For that reason we are keeping the pressure up on @GovPritzker. Tomorrow's action of the day is to call the governor and demand that he #FreeGeraldReed and enact a #MassReleaseNow.
If the inbox is full, you can use this link to write to the governor:… ImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Apr 24th 2020
Not engaging with the trolls in our mentions but here's a thread to educate the people:
1) prisons do not keep you safe.
2) the distinction between violent and nonviolent prisoners is not helpful.
3) the prison system does not care about guilt or innocence. It just wants bodies.
Let's explain.
1) Every time you say #FreeThemAll someone flinches and asks if you want to put “dangerous criminals” back into neighborhoods where they can do more harm. They ask this because they’ve been conditioned to think prisons are a solution to violence.
And they’ve been conditioned to think there is a certain kind of person (usually Black or Brown) who is inherently violent and must be removed from society to protect people. Believing racist myths keeps them from looking at the root cause of violence & other social problems.
Read 17 tweets
Apr 23rd 2020
Some updates from Monday's Stop Police Crimes meeting!
Please read to find out what our day to day work looks like and how you can get involved.
Gerald Reed is doing better than last week but still sick. He has not been tested for covid-19. The staff at Stateville were rude to Armanda but she managed to talk to Gerald eventually. She told him about the #FreeThemAllCaravan and he said thank you to everyone involved!
Gerald's lawyers are working on appeals and motions to reconsider. There is also a petition for emergency clemency that has been sent to @GovPritzker . We need to keep the mass pressure up with phone calls and other methods of contact as well. Image
Read 12 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
THREAD: Gerald Reed has been incarcerated for 30 years after being tortured into confessing to a crime he did not commit. His incarceration exposes the illegitimacy of the prison system. With the threat of the covid-19 pandemic, now is the time to #FreeGeraldReed and #FreeThemAll ImageImageImage
Gerald was kidnapped by CPD on October 3rd, 1990. Detectives Michael Kill and Victor Breska, members of Jon Burge’s notorious “midnight crew”, proceeded to torture Gerald until he confessed to a double homicide.
During the “interrogation” the detectives broke a metal rod that had been placed in Gerald’s leg to repair his thigh bone from a gunshot wound. This injury has still not been adequately treated and Gerald cannot walk because of it.
Read 19 tweets
Apr 14th 2020
For those who don't know, Gerald Reed was tortured into confessing to a crime he did not commit. For nearly 30 years the judicial system has refused to release him even though it was proven years ago that his conviction was the result of police torture.
#FreeGeraldReed Image
To be clear, when we say #FreeThemAll we mean free them ALL. Our demands don't revolve around whether or not this racist judicial system has found someone guilty. But even within the system's self proclaimed principles, Gerald Reed should have been free many times over by now.
Gerald being incarcerated is an injustice on many levels and it has become an imminent threat to his life. We need to fight with everything we have to get him out.
#FreeThemAll ImageImage
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Apr 10th 2020
It's ACTION FRIDAY - Collective Phonebanking time!!!

We're still focusing on calling the Mayor today, but we're demanding that her administration withdraw their despicable opposition to releasing vulnerable detainees in #CookCountyJail, the number one COVID hotspot in the U.S.
Background on the amicus brief that the Lightfoot administration has filed which opposes release of vulnerable people in Cook County Jail…

from our friends at @ChiBondFund
This is a letter signed yesterday (4/9/20) from Chicago Alderman demanding the Mayor to withdraw this brief, and move to protect our people in Cook County Jail. ImageImage
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Feb 27th 2020
Here is the text of the letter that Armanda Shackleford, Gerald Reed's mother, delivered to Chief Judge Timothy Evans office on Tuesday to ask the judge to review #HorribleHennelly 's ruling on Gerald Reed's Case: ImageImageImage
@AldermanLaSpata @SigchoFor25 @rodriguezfor22 @CDRosa @J1Ramann @Andrefor40th @BLMChi @aaanmarkaz If you don't see your alderperson on that list make sure you let them know that you support #CPACNow and #FreeGeraldReed! This is especially true if your alderperson is on the Public Safety Committee: Image
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Feb 24th 2020
TOMORROW: Stand with Gerald Reed and all CPD Torture Survivors. #FreeGeraldReed #FreeThemAll #CPACNOW Image
We are meeting at Daley Plaza to draw attention to the recent ruling by Judge Hennelly in Gerald Reed's case. #FreeGeraldReed #FreeThemAll #CPACNOW Image
Why is the ruling so important? Judge Hennelly's ruling has the potential to influence the way the Circuit Court of Cook County rules on future police torture cases still working their way through the legal system especially two current police torture cases on his docket. Image
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Feb 24th 2020
Why has Judge Hennelly illegally reversed Judge Gainer's ruling that granted Gerald Reed a new trial and tossed the false tortured confession? #FreeGeraldReed #FreeThemAll
The fact is Gerald Reed is one of thousands of Black and Brown people who have endured prison torture. He has spent 30 years in prison. #FreeGeraldReed #FreeThemAll
Stand with Gerald Reed and his mother, Armanda as we fight this racist system. Demand justice for Gerald and all survivors of police torture.

Will you be at Daley Plaza at 3:30pm on Feb 25th?
#FreeGeraldReed #FreeThemAll Image
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Feb 14th 2020
Today in one of the worst miscarriages of justice ever seen, Judge Hennelly reversed the Dec 18, 2018 ruling to vacate Gerald Reed’s conviction & sent him back to prison to serve out the remainder of his sentence.
This system is not for us. We must overthrow it. #FreeGeraldReed
Gerald Reed was tortures so severely that CPD broke a metal rod in his leg causing him to now be in a wheelchair. In 2012 the Torture Inquiri Relief Commission unanimously found a preponderance evidence of torture, a rare ruling enabling Gerald to get an evidentiary hearing.
It took five years for the courts to grant Gerald an evidentiary hearing which occurred in 2018 under Jidge Gainor’s court who ruled in support of the TIRC ruling and vacated Gerald’s conviction on Dec 18, 2018. Judge Gainor then retired on Dec 31, 2018.
Read 9 tweets
Nov 19th 2019
Prepare yourself for the knowledge we’re about to drop in your feed. Y’all gone learn some more about Gerald Reed and his court date tomorrow!  Leggo! #FreeGeraldReed
Gerald is one of the 120 victims of Jon Burge’s midnight crew and is still incarcerated for a double murder that he did not commit. #FreeGeraldReed
Burge, as a detective on the force and later a commander, led a group of violent detectives dubbed his “Midnight Crew” to torture Black and Latinx people into admitting to crimes they didn’t commit. #FreeGeraldReed
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Apr 5th 2019
*LONG THREAD (WORTH THE READ)- The case of Gerald Reed, Torture Survivor, shows who is profiting from ongoing torture/racism—Ex-Cook County State Atty, Robert Milan torture industry mogul, & his cohorts at O’Rourke & Moody. ..(1/13)
Gerald Reed’s conviction was overturned by Judge Gainer on Dec 19th, 2018. Robert Milan, O’Rourke & Moody, the special prosectors in the case are refusing Gerald his constitutional right to bail. He has been in Cook County Jail for over 4 months, on top of the 28 yrs in (2/13)
...prison he just served for a crimes he did not commit. The Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression #CAARPR calls on all people to join with Gerald Reed’s family and friends to pack the court room and demand his immediate release. Join us on ...(3/13)
Read 14 tweets

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