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Chicago Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression, democratic civilian control of Chicago Police #ECPSNow! CFIST, #FreeThemAll - prison torture survivors

May 30, 2020, 9 tweets

White supremacy kills Black people in the streets, in their homes, at work, and in prisons. Lynchings by police and vigilantes must stop. Death by infection due to incarceration must stop. On this #DayOfProtest we are fighting to stop them.

This #DayOfProtest is for Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Sean Reed, and everyone whose life was stolen by racist murderers. We demand justice for the families and community control of the police.

This #DayOfProtest is for Gerald Reed, Clayborn Smith, Tamon Russell, and countless others who were kidnapped by police and tortured over many years of incarceration. We demand freedom and reparations for all torture survivors and the wrongfully convicted.

This #DayOfProtest is for Jalil Muntaqim, Mutulu Shakur, Leonard Peltier, and all political prisoners held by this racist and repressive state. We demand freedom and reparations for all political prisoners.

This #DayOfProtest is for the families torn apart by ICE and locked up in immigration detention centers. We demand freedom and reparations for everyone in those concentration camps and an end to all ICE activity.

This #DayOfProtest is for the families and communities traumatized by police violence and mass incarceration. We demand community control of the police so we can end the regime of terror in Black and Brown communities.

This #DayOfProtest is for Black and Brown communities that are overpoliced and underprotected. Police murders continue while covid-19 disproportionately kills oppressed people. We demand money for recovery from the pandemic, not for police.

We are protesting for freedom for those trapped in prisons, jails, and immigration detention centers. These places are death traps during this pandemic. Elected officials must enact a #MassReleaseNow or they will have even more blood on their hands.

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