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Jun 16, 2020, 12 tweets

Who is your favourite nurse or midwife?

Nurses and midwives save lives working close to communities.

Thank you to ALL nurses & midwives for their bravery in the global #COVID19 response.


Nurses & midwives devote their lives to:

✅caring for mothers & children

✅giving lifesaving immunizations & health advice

✅looking after older people

✅meeting our everyday essential health needs


Did You Know❓

☑ 1 in 8 #nurses works in a country other than where they were born or trained

☑ >80% of the world’s nurses work in countries that are home to 50% of the world’s population

☑ 90% of all nurses are female

More facts:…

Nurses are at the forefront of #COVID19 response, providing high-quality, respectful treatment & care, and leading community dialogue to address fears & questions.

Without nurses, there would be no response.

#SupportNursesAndMidwives 💪

#Midwives are essential to the provision of quality of care, in all settings, globally. We thank 👏 ALL midwives for their efforts to save lives of moms and babies.

“I love midwifery because of the connections we make with clients. Through midwifery I can support people through a really challenging time and help them come through all the stronger for it.”

Heather Heinrichs, midwife, Canada’s Northwest Territories

#SupportNursesAndMidwives: They are vaccine champions for parents and parents-to-be. They are also trusted and credible sources of information about vaccines.


According to State of the World’s Nursing Report:

☑ Governments must invest in the massive acceleration of nursing education
☑ 6 million new nursing jobs must be created by 2030
☑ Investments must be made in nurse leadership


Countries need to ⬆️ nursing graduates by 8% per year, along with improved ability to employ and retain them in the health system.

This would only cost 💲10 per capita, per year

#SupportNursesAndMidwives: They are at the heart of progress towards universal health coverage. #HealthForAll

#SupportNursesAndMidwives: Investing in nursing leadership is vital for strengthening the workforce as a whole. Without this countries cannot win the battle against pandemics, or achieve the @GlobalGoalsUN & universal health coverage by 2030.


All over the world nurses, midwives and all #healthworkers are fighting day and night to keep us safe from #COVID19!

Take a minute today to say: #ThanksHealthHeroes!

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