Thomas van Linge Profile picture
Freelance journalist/researcher with a passion for the struggle for democracy, human rights & wildlife preservation. Reporting on wars, uprisings & conservation

Jun 16, 2020, 29 tweets

#Belarus: with presidential elections less than two months away president #Lukashenko is cracking down on political opponents, jailing several opposition figures…

#Belarus: president #Lukashenko has ruled the country since independence and will be seeking a 6th term in office this August, but for the first time it seems that an easy victory is not guaranteed…

#Belarus: one-by-one #Lukashenko's rivals are being picked off the streets and jailed or brought in for questioning.

Presidential hopeful Viktar Babaryka was arrested together with his son.…

#Belarus: thousands of Belarusians gathered in #Minsk to protest the arrest of opposition candidate #Babaryka

#Belarus: protesters in #Minsk forming a kilometers-long line to protest the arrest of Babaryka.

Via @svaboda

#Belarus: people in #Minsk rallied in their thousands today to protest #Lukashenko's attempt to steal another election, by locking up his opponents.

Lukashenko has been in power ever since the country's independence

#Belarus: the latest wave of anti-regime protests is already being dubbed the "Slippers Revolution" as protesters carry around slippers wishing to 'crush the cockroach' #Lukashenko…

#Belarus: anti-#Lukashenko protests in #Minsk continue into the night. Protesters are waving Belarusian independence flags

#Belarus: internet is shut down in #Minsk ahead of another planned anti-#Lukashenko rally

#Belarus: livestream of protests in #Minsk. Thousands have again turned out to protest #Lukashenko and support the opposition Internet is working sporadically in #Minsk. @RFERL stream is working as of now

#Belarus: mass arrests at the #Minsk protests moments ago

#Belarus: outside of the capital #Minsk anti-#Lukashenko protests are taking place in at least 4 cities

#Belarus: reporter of @svaboda is taken away by #Minsk police while broadcasting on the protests

#Belarus: plain-cloth police picking journalists off the streets for arrest

Photo of the day

#Minsk, #Belarus

#Belarus: thousands of Belarusians gathering in #Grodno to support jailed opposition candidates.

#Belarus: riot police confront a pro-opposition protest in the western city of #Brest

#Belarus: in Molodechno a fight broke out between protesters and riot police after some of the protesters resisted their arrest

#Belarus: another video of the incident in Molodechno. Some protesters throw stuff at the police van while others chant "shame" as it drives away

#Belarus: map showing all the locations that reported anti-#Lukashenko protests today

#Belarus: more arrests are being reported today. People are apparently picked off the streets of #Minsk by undercover police

#Belarus: hundreds of people gathered at the Belarusian embassy in #Warsaw today, protesting against #Lukashenko and the many arrests these past days

Via @tutby

#Belarus: calls of president #Lukashenko to be defeated these elections have spread to the lower ranks of the Belarusian armed forces.

Even as an isolated case this is significant

#Belarus: more and motr soldiers, policemen and medical workers arr voicing solidarity with the protesters and speak out against #Lukashenko.

3% refers to Lukashenko's support rate in an online poll

#Belarus: even members of the riot police are joining in.

#Lukashenko seems to be in real trouble this time

#Belarus: Belarusian telegram channels are filled with pictures of soldiers, policemen, border guards and medics speaking out against #Lukashenko and his regime

#Belarus: even members of the Belarusian #KGB are starting to speak out against #Lukashenko.

The KGB!

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